I won’t proclaim this to be a rock and roll party because there are several songs that aren’t even close to rock, but I will say this. The medley is long, and I mean looooong, as in over one hour.

If that’s too long for you to listen to in one day, you have the whole weekend to hear it. And hear it you should because it is good. Well, that’s my opinion but I might be a little biased.

By the way, why are there three Beatle songs included? Good question and here’s a good answer. There are all there for very legitimate reasons and if you listen, you’ll hear what those reasons are. 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

A Marathon Medley!

Mindbenders – Beach Boys
Beatles – Grand Funk
Moody Blues – Beatles
Zager & Evans – Peter, Paul & Mary
Gene Pitney – CCR
Crosby, Stills & Nash – Prelude
Billy Preston – John Lennon
George Harrison – Doobie Brothers
Rolling Stones