Rock & Roll Thursday?

How about playing Rock & Roll Friday on Thursday? It really doesn’t matter if you don’t want it because I have already done it. I only asked because I was being polite.

I have more medical tests on Friday so I won’t be around (although I will post an archive medley). The tests are the final ones (I hope) I’ll have to go through before the March 13 surgery to move a very large (and very malignant) tumor just below my left kidney.

That’s enough about me. You came here for music and I am proud to say I delivered! Well, I hope I did! Put on your dancing shoes and feel free to sing along! πŸ™‚

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Rock & Roll Thursday!

Beatles – BTO
Kinks – Buddy Holly
Bob Seger – Rolling Stones
Journey – Dave Clark Five
Aerosmith – Billy Joel
B52s – Gordon Lightfoot

Comments (19)

  1. Karleen Cass

    Great music on rock and roll Thursday!!! Good luck tomorrow with all your tests. Will be thinking of you!! ❀️❀️❀️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Karleen! ❀
      I am so glad you enjoyed the music!
      I appreciate the kind words about tomorrow. I am getting very tired of seeing that hospital!

  2. Judy

    Great selection! And my morning is always better when I can listen to Steven Tyler!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Judy! ❀
      I am very pleased I could connect Mr. Tyler and you!

  3. Rosa-Lee Gould

    OK Ray, you got me with the R&R Friday on the outside ’til I finished the sentence, as I started to wonder if I’d lost a day. (While listen to the medley & scrolling FB I had a niece post that today was Friday. I made no comment, except to Ted.)(& you now!) It really is colder today than yesterday so will be praying for you & for a warmer day tomorrow since you have to go out. Ted is on his way to Rutland & we are now caught up with listening to our morning medley listening & had no problem listening to two today. Thank you for the music πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted! ❀ ❀
      It feels like Friday to me!
      Thank you for the prayers. ❀

  4. Penny

    another great medley, and yes I jammed to Bob Seger as well as sang along to most of them ..
    Good luck with your appointments tomorrow and know you are always in my thoughts and prayers my friend!

    ROCK ON MR DJ MAN!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny! ❀
      There is no way I can ever play Bob Seger without thinking of you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
      I appreciate the prayers for tomorrow (and always)!
      Have a wonderful day!

  5. Sandra Gaither

    What can I say. This was absolutely awesome! First time I’ve been able to listen to it this week, and as I sit here in my recliner with my cup of coffee (3rd cup) I am gazing out at the snowfall and waiting for the second round! This music has kept me singing and toe, tapping and grateful for the day! I can’t single out anyone song, except to say that I sure did love Gordon Lightfoot at the end. I wish you all the very best for tomorrow and those tests that you need. Enjoy your weekend and I will look forward to your archive Friday. I am going to go back now as the day progresses and see if I can’t catch up again. Just remember one thing Ray, β€œyou’re the best” πŸ₯°

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy ❀
      I did something today that I never do. I slept from 7:30 this morning until 4:15 this afternoon!
      I am so glad you enjoyed the music, especially Mr. Lightfoot. He really was iconic.
      Thank you so much for the kind words regarding tomorrow. ❀

  6. Bruce

    Good morning Ray, great selection…I’ll most likely play it again tomorrow for it only seams appropriate πŸ˜€ to listen to on our Rock & Roll Friday! May your testing tomorrow help prepare you for the 13th. Ray close your eyes,take a deep breath, relax and remind yourself that we are all (family and friends) with you, your not alone my friend!! Take all the positive thoughts, prayers, and best wishes that have and will be sent your way…hopefully they give you strength and comfort to help you during this extremely difficult and emotionally time in your life. Be πŸ’ͺ strong my friend and thinking of you πŸ€—

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Bruce ❀
      Tomorrow’s archived medley is an old R&R Friday so you’ll be safe with it, although I have to admit I really enjoyed putting together R&R Thursday today! πŸ™‚
      Thank you for the prayers and compassionate words. I will carry all the positive thoughts with me.
      Tomorrow: Same Time, Same Place ❀

  7. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Good medley Didn’t recognize the Journey song…always bringing on new music!
    Take care…if all our energy can’t help nothing can

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you for the kind words and the energy!
      I “gotcha” again with another “new” oldie! ❀

  8. Jim & Killian

    Killian and I liked a lot of these. His favorite was “The Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald”. We looked up the history on it together. It was launched, new, when Papa was just 5 years old and it sank when he was 22 and finishing up Forestry School. He seems to like learning about the meaning and history of songs. He loves looking things up. Another reason he likes this song is because he is a weather fanatic!
    I liked “Night Moves”, Beast of Burden” Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’. (We didn’t go into the reasons too much! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    We both liked Aerosmith’s ‘Dream On”.

    We hope that those tests (Killian knows all about tests) go quickly and smoothly. We are praying very hard for you, my friend. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’• Killian says that they always try to scare you with the testing and waiting, but it always turns out just fine! ✌️…😍…πŸ˜‚ & anything your ❀️ desires!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim & Killian ❀❀
      The more I learn about Killian, the more I am fascinated by him. He seems to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and I LOVE that!
      It was wise on your part not to go too deep into the explanation of those two songs! πŸ™‚
      I truly appreciate your prayers. ❀

  9. Bruce

    Good morning Ray, great selection…I’ll most likely play it again tomorrow for it only seams appropriate πŸ˜€ to listen to on our Rock & Roll Friday! May your testing tomorrow help prepare you for the 13th. Ray close your eyes,take a deep breath, relax and remind yourself that we are all (family and friends) with you, your not alone my friend!! Take all the positive thoughts, prayers, and best wishes that have and will be sent your way…hopefully they give you strength and comfort to help you during this extremely difficult and emotionally time in your life. Be πŸ’ͺ strong my friend and thinking of you πŸ€—

  10. Marty & Karen

    Any medley that starts with the Beatles and BTO and finishes with Aerosmith, Billy Joel, the B-52s and Gordon Lightfoot is going to be a listener’s favorite! You certainly know how to put these medleys together Ray.
    We will be thinking of you tomorrow and this weekend. Bless you our friend.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Marty & Karen ❀❀
      I appreciate your generous compliments regarding today’s medley. I’m never quite sure what is going to be warmly received, but judging from the comments today, I guess it came out okay. πŸ™‚
      Thank you for the kind words for tomorrow. I will be so glad to be finished with thee tests!
      I love you guys! ❀❀


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