A Memory of 9/11

It has been 15 years, yet it still feels like yesterday. The hurt and the pain will never go away, nor should it. Americans bounced back, as we always do, but the memories of those lost and the bravery of heroes who saved countless others will remain forever etched in our hearts and minds.

Ten years ago, Heather and I started our morning show on WCFR in Springfield, VT but we both knew it could not be the usual program of oldies music and laughter. We spent the next four hours playing sound clips from that fateful day five years earlier and the music those events inspired.

You can hear below the way we started that program and the song that has become synonymous with September 11, 2001.



Heather and Ray Show
September 11, 2006

Comments (2)

  1. Amanda Woodbury

    Thanx for this recording. I enjoyed listening to you today. It is still an open wound…

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you. I believe the moment belonged to Rose that day. She was so strong.

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