Can You Take Me Back…

Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.
~Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

I have decided – once and for all – to end a nearly 10-year run of writing Daily History Lessons and Rock & Roll History articles, choosing instead to focus on Music Medleys (and music articles) … because Music is why Streamingoldies was created 10 ½ years ago. It’s time to “Get Back To Where I Came From.”

I can put together a daily 5-song medley in virtually no time, while “History” articles literally take me hours to compile every day. At nearly 66 years of age, I probably can find other ways to better occupy my time. Yes, it has been fun and I learned a lot along the way – hopefully you did, too – but as George Harrison said, All Things Must Pass.

So yes, the medleys will continue and as a reminder, if you have certain oldies you want to hear, there’s three simple ways to get it done. Send an email to and tell me what you want to hear. If you’re using Facebook, you can send me a private message. Last, but not least, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this post. I can’t make it more simple than that!

As an added bonus, discontinuing the history articles means Facebook users who never actually read the articles but “Liked” them to make me feel good will no longer have to pretend. 🙂

To those who did read them, a heartfelt thank you.
