February 3, 1959. It remains a significant date among rock music fans: the first accidental premature deaths of its stars in the still new style when a single-engine Beechcraft 35 Bonanza plane crashed not long after take-off and took the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson.
Holly hired the plane in Clear Lake, Iowa to get to the next stop in Moorhead, MN, and hopefully catch some needed sleep and do his laundry. The “Winter Dance Party” tour of the Midwest was certainly not a party for the performers. It was 24 shows in as many nights and long rides, sometimes overnight, in a cold, uncomfortable and primitive bus.
Holly originally figured his band members would take the two other seats in the four-person plane. Holly’s bassist was a friend and talented young artist in his own right from Lubbock, TX: Waylon Jennings. He let Richardson, who was suffering from the flu, have his place. It was a decision that haunted Jennings for the rest of his life.
Holly’s guitarist Tommy Allsup tossed a coin with Ritchie Valens for the other seat. Valens “won” the toss, so to speak.
The plane went down soon after taking off at about half-past midnight, crashing into a cornfield some seven miles from the runway. All three performers were thrown from the wreckage; pilot Roger Peterson died inside it. The cause was said to be spatial disorientation. Valens was just 17 years old; the “Big Bopper” was 28. Holly was 22.
Of course the music did not actually die sixty-six years ago today, but the sadness felt by the deaths of the three singers still lingers to this day. No one knows how much more music they would have given us but for today, let’s look back on a few of the songs they did leave … with an ending from Don McLean you had to know was coming.
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The Day The Music Died
What an amazing tribute to these men. Absolutely loved hearing these songs. Remember to take care of number one, which is you Mr. Ray….. good luck with all testing being done. Love you!!!!
Thank you, Karleen. I am so glad you enjoyed it. ❤
I’m doing all I can to take of me, I promise!
Good morning & day Ray 🙂 she said with a smile. Ted & I enjoyed the music & agree that all have survived the tests of time. Thank you 🙂
Thanks, kids! ❤❤
I think Buddy would have been a huge star. He was amazing!
Good morning Ray, truly enjoyed today’s music! Taking care of “you” is top priority right know!! Wishing you all the bests with your tests and upcoming surgery! You’ve got this Ray, love you💕💕🤗🤗Jo-Anne
Thank you, Jo ❤
I appreciate the kind words. I’ve said this before but if things don’t turn out all right, it will be all right. I know where I’m headed. ❤
Love you ❤
Killian and I both loved all of these! They really got us moving on a day that has a late start to school with a snow delay. Loving it. Going to listen again, then we’re going to “drive the Chevy to the levee”…or the school…whichever comes first.
I just wonder what more these 3 artists would have given us if that plane hadn’t gone down. Very sad indeed. 🤧 ❤️🙏🙏❤️✌️
Thank you, boys ❤❤
One sad thing is for certain, Being on that plane immortalized all of them, although I do believe Buddy would have become a mega star!
It was a shame and a sad day when we lost 3 young, promising future stars 😢 of the music world in such a tragic way.It brings to light just how special and delicate and fragile life truly is!! As the great Jim Valvano once said, if every day you laugh, cry, and tell someone that you love them – you had a great day 😀 Ray I wish I could say or do something that would help you in some way give you strength in your up and coming tests and procedures! But I am sending you positive thoughts and prayers your way and remind you that family and friends are there for you and don’t be reluctant to lean on them for support. Have a great day my friend and take care!
Bruce, your comments lift me up every single day and don’t you forget it. They mean so much to me.
Thank you ❤
Nothing like the replay of a great medley!!
Take care
Thank you, Mary Helen ❤
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Oh my gosh, I loved them all but I have to single out buddy Holly. He was without a doubt just the greatest in my book. His voice is rhythm his whole presentation, and I do believe that he would’ve had a smashing future. I remember when this plane went down, and how very upsetting it was for all of us. Thank you for giving us this wonderful touch with our past. I want you to know that I’ll be thinking of you all this week, and keeping you in my prayers that everything will go as designed, and that she will be totally prepped and ready for your surgery in March. Thank you for this Ray and remember you’re the best. 🥰
Thank you, Sandy ❤
I think the Big Bopper’s novelty tunes would have eventually lost their charm and Ritchie Valens would have probably remained a minor star, but Buddy? I do believe he would have become a household name!
My testing isn’t going so well. I’m not ready to say anything about it yet, but I will be soon.