Your Memories Play Here

Want to know the really wonderful thing about Thursday? That’s easy, it means there is only one more until Friday!

This Thursday, we have something pretty special for you. In addition to a girl group breaking the Number One barrier, we have a cool connection between a Sixties pop group and Jimmy Buffett, we have an example of how generous Elvis could be, we have a very special birthday, and a lot more … including the last song the Beatles ever played live!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Your Memories Play Here

Canned Heat – Elvis Presley
Small Faces – Bobby Goldsboro
Shirelles – Association
Monkees – Turtles
Neon Philharmonic – Jimmy Buffett
Phil Collins – Phil Collins
The Beatles

Comments (12)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Hello Ray, Ted & I enjoyed throwback Thursday & hope you have a good day whatever you do or don’t do. 🙂 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted! Have a splendiferous day!

  2. Linda Corliss

    Always love my early morning songs while I do my diamond dot paintings. I have Jane’s done. Have a great day.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Linda. I’ll let her know.

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Music to warm up a cold day!!
    As we know Ray there’s no accounting for taste… something for everyone
    Honey pretty saccharin
    Maybe lots of songs with honey in the title?

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen, As a diabetic, I have to be careful about playing the Goldsboro song, 🙂
      I believe (but I’ll have to look into the archives) I have already done a Honey theme.
      It’s a good idea if I haven’t done it.

  4. Penny

    Another great medley for this rainy dreary day!!

    Have a wonderful day my friend!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny!
      I’m always happy when the music makes you smile! 🙂
      Have a very nice day!

  5. Bruce

    Another great selection my friend. But you know Ray, what makes it so enjoyable is your insight and knowledge in your commentaries on all the artists. It shows the love and pride you have in doing what is special to you! Keep taking good care of yourself and enjoy 😉 the rest of your day and by the way you always make me happy 😊!!!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Bruce. I sincerely appreciate the very kind comments. Truth be told, I would rather not talk during the medleys (frankly, I have never been all that thrilled with my voice) but if people want it, I figure I might as well add some background information if it enhances the listening!
      I’m doing all I can to take care of myself. In fact, I’ll have a few things to say about that tomorrow, which reminds me.
      Same time, same place 🙂

  6. Jim & Killian

    Another good set of Memory Melodies! Killian is feeling a little under the weather – caught a cold from Mommy. I’m sure he will catch up next time I am with him.
    It’s hard for me to pick out favorites from this as I like them all. I guess I would have to say one of my all-time favorites is “Cherish”. Others that brought back some good memories were “Honey”, “Morning Girl”, “In the Air Tonight” and of course the rooftop Beatles’ song, “Get Back”.
    I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s music already. Also looking forward to hearing your health update. 💕🙏✌️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim (and in spirit, Killian) ❤❤
      I do hope Killian is feeling better soon! 🙏
      I’m glad you found some nice memories in today’s medley. Tomorrow’s will check in at 49:56! Of course that includes me stopping midstream to discuss what’s coming up with the cancer … but that only lasts about 50 seconds.
      I hope you have a wonderful evening!


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