The First Class!

It’s called “Give Lemire’s Voice A Day Off” so I dug into the archives and look what I found! This one is very special. On January 23, 1986, the first class of music legends was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

These artists, boys and girls, are what rock and roll music is all about. They were, and still are, the royalty of the genre.

I don’t believe I say one word in this medley so for continuity sake…
Peace, Love, Happiness, and anything else your heart desires.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Class of ’86

Chuck Berry – Elvis Presley – Jerry Lee Lewis
Little Richard – Fats Domino – Sam Cooke
 Buddy Holly – Everly Brothers
Ray Charles – James Brown

Comments (17)

  1. Jim & Killian

    Well, Killian does in fact like old rock and roll. He had me send him the link to this one.
    He still doesn’t believe that there wasn’t rock and roll music before his Papa was born.
    He did notice that you didn’t have your peace and love statement before the last song. He said he likes it so I had him read what you wrote.
    He said that without it there is no warning that the next song is the last one.

    Peace✌️and Love ❤️!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      He is a very sharp young man! Tell him there is a warning tomorrow! I should advise you tomorrow’s medley is long. A little over 43 minutes: Half “pop” oldies and half “classic rock”.
      I’m thrilled he enjoyed the medley so much today that he wanted you to send it to him!
      Have a wonderful day! ❤❤

      1. Jim & Killian

        We love them, no matter how long they are! Enjoy the rest of your day! ❤️✌️🙏❤️

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thank you, fellas! ❤❤

  2. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Enjoyed this
    It went so fast…needed a replay!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      It did go by fast, primarily because it came from the days when I limited the medleys to 25 minutes. I’m very glad you enjoyed it enough to replay it! ❤

  3. Nancy Garbati

    Awesome selection to start our day with, thanks and hope you feel better soon. Take Care!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy! I’m feeling better! ❤

  4. Pat Conant

    Loved these-right up my alley. Thanks, Mr. DJ. Glad you are taking care of your voice, peace, love, any anything else your heart desires!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat ❤ I had a feeling you would enjoy today’s medley!
      I am feeling better this afternoon. A 3-hour nap this morning probably helped. 🙂

  5. Bruce

    Good 🌄 morning Ray, I really did miss your voice this morning, however I am so 😊 happy that you are listening to your body and what it has to say…please continue to do so, for your body will tell you what you are capable of doing and what you are not!! It was a great old rock and roll selection Ray!! A shout out to you…PEACE,LOVE, and anything else your heart desires, and may your health become your top priority! So that we have many more mornings of listening to what you love and do so very well. Thank you as always and enjoy your day!!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I have to listen to my body, Bruce, or it will kick my ass! 🙂 Believe me, my health is very much my top priority. It takes a LOT to shut me down, even for a day, so yep, I do listen!
      So glad you enjoyed the tunes! ❤

  6. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Hi Ray 🙂 Great music is always great music, thank you 1-24-2024

  7. Killian

    Thank you ray I hope you are doing well. Thank you for the music. And you are very nice

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Killian! I appreciate you taking the time to write. I am feeling a little bit better tonight. Thank you for asking. I am so glad you enjoy the music, and I think you and Papa are very nice, too!
      Have a wonderful weekend! ❤

  8. Sandy Gaither

    Holy moly! This was the best one, yet even though it was short, due to the length of songs back then, I loved, and I mean loved this medley. I sang every song, and I am gonna listen to it again, because it was all songs that have a story for me. It’s funny how when you get older you like to go back and remember all the things from your youth and early adulthood. Chuck Berry, the Everly Brothers . Jerry, Lee Lewis, the Everly Brothers, all love love! This has been a very nostalgic day for me, listening to all these on the same day. I even managed to run outside real quick and take the blower to the deck. The birds of made a pretty big mess out there with the snow and all completely gone now it’s very visible! Thank you so much for this and I will listen again. You’re the best.🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you so much, Sandy! ❤
      I have a hard time looking back at the days when I did medleys that were this short, and some others were less than this one! But this one was vey special. Those artists started it all, and yes, their songs bring back such specific (and wonderful) memories of my youth. I am so glad you enjoyed it!


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