Throwback Thursday!

Are you ready for some very vintage oldies? I hope so because several of today’s songs go back to the days of Real Oldies! By the way, against my better judgment, I managed to shorten the medley to just over 35 minutes. You wouldn’t believe the songs I had to leave out!

We have three songs produced by Phil Spector because today’s the date the um, “eccentric genius” moved on from this life. We have songs recorded by two artists who were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on this date. We have a song that hit #1 on this date for the Supremes, and a song recorded by Elvis on today’s date. And we also have shout outs to Wendy Plante, Penny Capron and Bruce Mackay!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Your Memories Play Here!

Rolling Stones – Byrds
Wilson Pickett – Dobie Gray
Elvis Presley – Ronnie Milsap
Mamas & Papas – Supremes
Curtis Lee – Crystals
Ronettes – Spaniels

Comments (16)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Wow! What a great bunch songs & groups 🙂 Well done as always 🙂 Tagged Ray Lemire in a music post I shared today on Facebook. Hope you get to see it. If you don’t, I’ll have to write it down & type it in here in the future. Thank you for this morning’s music. Stay warm & have a good day 🙂 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee & Ted ❤❤
      I saw your post and gave it a ❤.
      I am so glad you enjoyed the music!

  2. Sandy Gaither

    Love the way that this medley started with the Rolling Stones! That music brings back a few memories. But all of these older songs that you put in there I have so many indicators from this was a very nostalgic medley today. I loved it. Loved hearing Elvis with Jerry Reed, such a talent! Ronnie Milsap, oh my gosh, I know every word! I sang along with him. I’m sure he wouldn’t of use that in a recording, but I thought I did a good job! The tribute to Phil Spector was really good. There again, I knew all the words to those songs. You gotta love that long-term memory! I have a lot to do today, including going to the grocery store. All of these melodies and songs that I know will be like earwigs all day! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, and remember one thing, which is so very important – – you’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! ❤
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the nostalgic trip back in time. For all of his faults (and he had plenty), Phil Spector knew a thing or two about music.
      I can guarantee you tomorrow’s medley has anything to do with “slow” or “quiet”!
      Rock The Day!

  3. Penny

    another great medley my friend!! Thank you for the song, I really needed that today – we are getting ready to meet with cps to see what lies are being said about my son 🙁 Pray we can get them to see the truth!!
    You have a wonderful day and stay warm …


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Penny, you and your family have been in my prayers constantly. I hope with all my heart you all begin to find a solution soon. ❤

  4. Nancy Garbati

    Loved it, I agree with Sandy so enjoyed the nostalgic trip back in time. It has been along time since I heard some of thee and I really enjoyed them all. Thanks again and be well my friend.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy ❤
      I’m very glad you enjoyed it, but get ready to dance tomorrow!

  5. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Play these while I do my daily chores
    Everything goes more smoothly when serenaded is

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen ❤
      Every once in a while, I get into a “sentimental music” mode. I’m glad you enjoyed today’s songs. Tomorrow’s may also be sentimental for some, but they’ll be taking you back in time at a much faster beat.

  6. Bruce

    Thanks for the shout out Ray, however my mono tone voice did not do the song any justice…but I did do my best!!HA HA!! Another great medley that sure did bring back some great memories 😀 You take care my friend and enjoy your day.🤣

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Bruce! I’m sure you sounded just fine. 🙂 Tomorrow you (and everyone else) better put on your dancing shoes because that medley is going to rock! 🙂

  7. Jim& Killian

    Killian and I loved these. Killian seems to like the songs that have parts that aren’t words, like “Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight “ and “Land of 1000 Dances”.
    I particularly enjoyed “Lost in the 50’s Tonight” (A memorable slow dance song) and “California Dreamin’”.
    I remembered all of the songs, but don’t recall all of the artists.
    We both really love the stories you share with us. Killian always perks right up when you speak. It’s just like the show is “live” for him.
    When you spoke of Bill Specter dying at 82 he said that’s young! Bless my little buddy.
    Thanks for bringing us so much joy! 🙏❤️✌️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, guys! ❤❤
      Ah, so I have discovered what appeals to Killian! He enjoys musical breaks. Good to know. 🙂
      I was going to close with “Lost In The 50s” but decided it was a nice “lets’ slow it down a bit” in the middle. Besides, “Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight” was a natural for ending it.
      Now then, tomorrow is going to be a far cry from today. It’s an 18-song, 44-minute rock and roll party … and I do mean rock and roll! There’s even a song for Mr. K in there!
      You guys bring ME so much joy! ❤

  8. Pat Conant

    Lost in the 50’s {and 60’s} tonight, not California Dreaming, though. Loved all these, praying for California. Goodnight, sweet dreams!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat ❤
      Lost In The 50s should be on everyone’s favorites list. Such an incredible song. I join you in keeping Californians in my thought and prayers. Goodnight, sweet dreams!


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