1968 Music!

Today we celebrate the incredible music of 1968! One of the most tumultuous years of the 20th century also produced some of its greatest music.

As I was putting this playlist together, it quickly dawned on me that time constraints were going to make it impossible to cover it all, so this medley is just a short example of what was playing on radios across America.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

1968 Medley

Monkees – Canned Heat
Dusty Springfield – Cream
Status Quo – Bobby Goldsboro
Mary Hopkin – Beatles
Steppenwolf – Tommy James
Beach Boys – Chambers Brothers

Comments (27)

  1. Karleen Cass

    Great music even if the Beatles were played…. Feels like old times. Miss you

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, “Freak” ❤
      Damn, I miss you so much! Those days at WCFR were some of the happiest days of my life!

      1. Rose

        Ditto ….

    2. Rose

      My favorite … the Beatles … and YOU!

      Such happy times with all of you ~

      1. Ray (Post author)

        The Best of Times ❤️

  2. Penny

    Another great medley my friend!!!!!!! And I was born to be wild .. until like 8pm and as long as I get a nap or two in there … LOL

    Have a wonderful day!!!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny! Naps are absolutely essential. I’m up every day between 3 nd 4 in the morning and I don’t go to sleep until midnight … so yeah, a nap is required. 😉 Glad you enjoyed the music and have a wonderful day!

  3. Nancy A Garbati

    Great combination but then why wouldn’t it be everything from 1968 was amazing, look at the member’s of the Class of 68. Have a wonderful day my friend

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy! You’re right, there has never been anything like the Class of 68! ❤

  4. Sandy Gaither

    Great start with the Monkees! And of course, she really got me moving when you played Steppenwolf born to be wild. Some of the songs I had really kind of forgotten, not that I didn’t know them but I just don’t remember them well. But they were great and it’s always good to be reminded of what took place in a specific year. I had my hands full in 1968 with two babies. I still love hearing anything by Tommy James and of course the Beach boys! You did it again it was great and tomorrow winds up the week! “You’re the best!” 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy!
      Well, I wasn’t having two babies in 1968, but I did graduate from high school and later in the year, I moved to Los Angeles. Not quite as worthwhile as your effort, but it sure changed my life!

      1. Sandy G

        Well, leaving for LA sounds fabulous! I’m sure that was very educational as a young man from New England. I can remember living in this darling little house on Elm Hill in Springfield, with a mortgage payment of $101 a month. Absolutely amazing right? The experiences that we’ve gone through our what made us into the people that we are today. I like to think that along the way music gave me a leg up and I know that it did U2! Did you like that pun? Have a great day. ❤️

        1. Ray (Post author)

          I’d say it was educational and very eye opening! Los Angeles in the late 60s was nothing like little Springfield. I will admit to partaking in far too many habits I would never do today. I was lucky to have escaped alive. One year later, I was in the Air Force. Talk about a culture change. It’s all been a life I am glad I experienced, even the “bad” stuff. It made me who I am today!
          I caught the pun! ❤️

  5. Bruce

    Good morning Ray, another great morning 🌄. Your medleys are always so refreshing and are at least 40 minutes in length…so I am now in a daily routine where I get up, have my coffee/10 minutes, do my exercises with my resistance bands (back strengthen)/ 20 minutes. This gets me ready for my 2-3 mile walk, than 1/2 hr in the pool and then breakfast! OK – it is now 9:30, now what the hell do I do? HA HA!!!! Tough getting old and retired!! Have a great day Ray.😃

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Good morning, Bruce! I’m very happy the music adds some vitality to your day! Sounds like you have the perfect morning routine! If I didn’t do this, I don’t know what I would do! Have a sensational day! 🙂

  6. Jim

    I remember how disappointed I was when I learned that the Monkeys didn’t play instruments. I called them a “Fake Band”! Now I know how many of the songs that I listened to by various artists were backed by non-band members.
    “Sunshine of Your Love” was a favorite of mine. I still have the album and the scratches show how often I played it…and I took good care of my records.
    I remember listening to “Pictures of Matchstick Men” and liking it a lot. I’ll have to look Status Quo up and listen to some of their other songs. (Thank you)
    I remember “Those Were the Days” by Mary Hopkin as being one of those difficult songs to dance to. Not sure whether to dance fast or slow to it. Ha!
    Great Mix and a good year of music. The year that I was told I would have to say goodbye to my friends in Nashua, NH as I would be moving to Springfield that next year. (Tough on a 15 year-old.)

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I still get a kick out of people who clamor for the Monkees to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
      1968 was a very special year in my life and the music played a huge role in that!

  7. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Thought I was a senior in HS
    Boy those were simpler and exciting times! And for the class of ’68 the start of a new next chapter in our book of life

    1. Ray (Post author)

      They were much simpler and exciting times, Mary Helen, and I wouldn’t have missed any of it!

  8. Donna Tillson-Bass

    This was fabulous! And as always I had my favorites. Usually I have one or two, but today I had three, The Monkeys, Dusty Springfield, and the top one is Bobby Goldsboro! I so enjoy listening to the medleys. You are the best! 😊

    I was thinking about you last night, as I was watching the tribute to Toby Keith. It was very moving!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Donna. I am so glad you enjoyed the music.
      The tribute to Toby Was outstanding!

  9. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Happy Thursday 🙂 1968, those were the days! Didn’t you include a 1968 song in yesterday’s medley? Was that a teaser for todays music? It worked. Interesting mix, glad you had to pick. Thanks for a memorable Thursday. 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Kids!
      It’s hard to pick songs because I know I can’t play a 2-hour medley every day. Who would listen? 🤣

  10. Rose

    Okay … so maybe Mary Hopkin IS growing on me a little bit, OR… it could be a rash 🙂 not sure!!

    Seriously, 1968 was such a great year. Some of my best memories are tied to the music ~ such a wonderful medley to take US back ~

    I especially LOVE the Beatles ~ ThankYOU

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Rose! I would go with the rash theory 🤣
      It was a tragic year for many reasons (MLK, RFK, Chicago, etc.) but a great year for music!

      1. Rose

        …. and that is what got us “fired up” and the music of my memories was our collective voice(s).

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Very well said!


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