Tuneful Tuesday!

It’s Tuneful Tuesday and we have twelve goodies from the past that will  hopefully bring back some wonderful memories!

We’ve got soft rock, not so soft pop, smooth R&B, classic rock, a doo-wop song on steroids, a couple of songs from the golden era, and there are a couple of backstories thrown in for good measure!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Tuneful Tuesday!

Oliver – Association
Gladys Knight – Hollies
Bob Seger – Climax Blue Band
Doors – Beatles
Beach Boys – Jimmy Clanton
Tokens – Three Dog Night

Comments (14)

  1. Nancy A Garbati

    A great combination today. Took me back for sure. Have a terrific Tuesday my friend <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy. Have a wonderful day! ❤

  2. Sandy Gaither

    What a wonderful mix this was. Of course any medley that includes both the Beach boys and the Beatles is tops in my book.! Also loved the association and the tokens. Haven’t heard that in such a long time. All of this was absolutely tiptop! And you know that I love the back stories I always have! I’m just dying to know what you’ve got up your sleeve for tomorrow. Because, “you’re the best.” 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! I’m always happy when I can please you!

  3. Jim

    The Association’s “Cherish” — 1966, I was just 13…church youth dance…slow dancing and making out in the back room! I can even remember her name (I’m not divulging that!)

    A lot of memories even from “Venus in Blue Jeans” and “In the Jungle” when I was just 8 or 9.

    Great songs, Ray! Thanks for starting the day out right for me.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Jim! Making out at a church youth dance, How troubling! LOL I’m just glad the music brought back some special memories for you!

  4. Penny

    what a great medley and memories!!!!!! LOVE Joy to the World and thank you for thinking of me on what would have been Dennis’s 76th birthday!

    You absolutely ROCK my friend.

    Love ya!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny! I can’t play “Joy To The World” without thinking of you!
      I hope it all helped today. ❤

  5. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    A-weema-weh I loved it!
    Often back stories are surprising

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen! I’m hoping I made you smile today!

  6. Donna Tillson-Bass

    Words can’t even express what listening to your medleys does for me! I love the back stories. Sometimes I have to binge them, do to my work schedule. Thank you!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you so much, Donna. That means so much to me!

  7. Rosa-Lee Gould

    8/28/2024 Ted & I are playing catch-up today as we are listening to Mon. & Tues. music. Great medleys; I keep looking at Ted & saying I have that 45, for example Hey Jude & Cherish. Thankful that it’s cooler today & for your morning medleys. Sending good vibrations your way with another thank you 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted 🙂🙂
      I am happy you enjoyed both medleys!


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