Play Me Loud!

It’s Friday and I don’t feel like talking much. So while the “No Talk, Just Rock” isn’t entirely true, I am keeping it to a minimum As I like to say, I’m letting the music do the talking.

It’s not only talking, it’s practically shouting for 41 minutes! There isn’t anything here that will fall into the soft and mellow category. This is fast, non-stop, and it’s coming at you from all genres; pop, rock, hard rock, and everything in between!

It’s called Rock and Roll Friday for a reason!
Crank It Up!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Rock and Roll Friday!

Queen – Stevie Ray Vaughan
Dave Clark Five – Fats Domino
Buddy Knox – Searchers
Swinging Blue Jeans – Chuck Berry
Tom Petty – Mitch Ryder
Woolies – Beau Brummels
Bob Dylan – Chicago

Comments (25)

  1. Penny

    Another great medley .. definitely gets your blood moving … LOL!

    Have a great weekend my friend!!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny! I hope it put a mile on your face,
      Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Sandy Gaither

    Holy moly!! This was one of the best rock ‘n’ roll Fridays that I can remember in a long time! Wow, had me dancing all over the place from the living room into the dining room out into the kitchen to the breakfast area. The doctor told me yesterday when she took the port out that I couldn’t play any pickle ball or anything to keep that arm quiet. But she didn’t tell me, I couldn’t dance!! This was fabulous from the beginning all the way through the end. And hey, what about buddy Knox? Haven’t heard his music in a long time. Always been a fan of queen! I actually play that song in my car, not sure why over the past several years I haven’t blown speakers in my car’s. Anyway, this was a fun day, should hold me for the weekend! Hey Ray, don’t forget “you’re the best” 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      See, this is what I was worried about! I was concerned you might dance yourself into some trouble, I am obviously very happy you didn’t, but young lady, you worry me. 🙂
      I am very glad, however, that you enjoyed the music!
      Have a wonderful weekend! 🥰

  3. Nancy A Garbati

    Jojo says, Yeah she loves no talk just Rock!!! As do I. Thanks and have a fantastic Friday dear friend <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy and Jojo!
      Have a great weekend! 🥰

  4. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Hi Ray, Ted & I thank you for your Rock “n Roll medley today. Have a good weekend. 🙂
    PS Thank you for your mention yesterday.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee & Ted. I am very happy you enjoyed it!

  5. Linda Corliss

    Great music picks, you’ve got the beach a rocking. Could you play Look at Us Monday for our anniversary. It’s hard to believe another year has gone by. Have a good weekend. Love ya.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Linda I already have Monday’s medley done, but I’ll go back in to see if I can add this.

  6. Linda

    I Have listened to you all week. If you don’t hear from me doesn’t mean i’m not listening. Your music means a lot to me. You said you didn’t feel like talking much,
    and that’s how I felt all week. Thank you again, my friend for keeping all of us on our tapping toes, dancing away, and singing out loud.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Linda, thank you for your lovely words and don’t ever feel bad about not talking much. I know you listen and I think at our age we have earned the right to be quiet whenever we feel like it. 🙂

  7. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    This definitely rocked

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen! Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Peter Means

    Ray, This got me moving (dancing) around my living room! My wife thinks I’m crazy, being younger than I am!! LoL But, I tell her to loosen up and join me! Well, lo and behold, she did and we had a ball! Too bad my stamina isn’t as good as it used to be! But, thanks for the memories and the fun! Hope you have a wonderful day and weekend! Pete

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Pete, you pit a BIG smile on y face with your comment! I am so glad the music moved you. Have a sensational weekend!

  9. Jim

    And rock it is! Working at a desk at the automobile dealership while they do the protective coating on “Rocky”, my new truck.
    Can’t really dance here, but my head’s bopping and my fingers are a-tapping!
    Thanks for the uplifting music to get us going for the weekend. It looks like it’s going to be a great one!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Jim, as long as you were dancing in your head, tat works for me! Have a wonderful weekend and keep Rocky between the white lines!

      1. Jim

        Will do! Hope you get outside to enjoy this gorgeous weather!

        1. Ray (Post author)

          That is where I have been all morning, soaking up the sun on the deck!

          1. Jim


  10. Donna Tillson-Bass

    An awesome way to Rock a Friday! Got the heart pumping! With my work schedule, it’s sometimes hard to get to listen in the mornings. I binged the last three days of medleys! Love all of them! Keep On Rocking! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Donna. I hope you saved some energy for the weekend! 🙂

  11. Jane Abbott Sweatt

    Great fun to listen to Ray. Choices that certainly remind me of school dances where the floor was packed.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jane. I’m glad those songs brought back memories for you!

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