It’s All About Memories

They say one song can bring back a thousand memories. That may be a bit of hyperbole but the fact is hearing a song from long ago always manages to bring back certain feelings; where you were when you first heard it, perhaps even the person you were with when that song played on the radio.

It all starts with a Little Richard classic, followed immediately by a Beatles song recorded as a tribute to the 50s rocker. After that, it’s a mixture of (mostly) up tempo rock and pop songs.

I’m not saying all of these songs will rise to that occasion, but I hope there are at least one or two that bring you back in time and put a smile on your face.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Playing Your Memories

Little Richard – Beatles
Bobby Vee – Gary Puckett
Solomon Burke
Friends Of Distinction
Carpenters – CCR
Fortunes – Scott McKenzie
Steve Miller – Guess Who

Comments (20)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good Morning Ray, Todays rainy day musical medley of memories was the perfect listen while I read this weeks Springfield Reporter. Ted & I probably won’t be working outside today but it a good day with good music so thank you & enjoy your day, whatever you do.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted! Yep, it’s a good day to stay inside and work on tomorrow’s medley (which as a song dedicated to Lee!) and removing the whiskers from my face! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Bruce

    Good morning Ray. My wife listened to your Oldies this morning ๐ŸŒ„ and before you knew she was singing and smiling and on the way out the door she was dancing ๐Ÿ’ƒ her way to work! What a great way to start the day!!Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š Ray and you have a good day!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Good morning, Bruce! That must have been quite a scene! I can picture it and that made me smile! Thank you for that! Have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Penny

    another great medley .. loved them all!! Is so sad every time I think of Karen Carpenter .. she was so talented and had a beautiful voice … like so many others, her legacy lives on thru her music!!
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny! Karen was a gifted singer. Her death was such a tragedy, but you’re right about her legacy!
      Have a great day!

  4. Fred

    Ray loved it!! Got some good toe dancing in!! Little Richard can do that!! Great tunes and I also want to say thank you for the history lesson!!
    Love ya and may God Bless!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Fred! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I am very happy you’re limiting yourself to toe dancing!
      Love ya!

  5. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Nothing like a zippy medley to start the day!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I agree, Mary Helen! It helps chase the blues away!

  6. Nancy A Garbati

    These certainly took me back, so enjoyed them. Thanks and have a Wonderful Wednesday! <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy! I am so happy you enjoyed them!

  7. Sandy Gaither

    Happy hump day! Thanks to those first two songs that you selected by begin to dance, and before you know it, I had emptied the dishwasher of all the clean dishes. It made me do it very fast. I just loved all of your selections these days it doesnโ€™t take much to make me happy. But when I hear your tunes, it makes me smile. It makes me move around and it makes me think of days gone by, some beautiful memories. I loved the Carpenter Selection, and always admired Karen Carpenter, and was sad when she passed away. Here we are so many years later still listening to her! How wonderful is that? Loved hearing Gary Puckett and the Union gap and also that final selection which there again, maybe start dancing again. Until tomorrow, my friend, remember โ€œyouโ€™re the bestโ€ ๐Ÿฅฐ

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! I always (and I mean ALWAYS) love your comments and your enthusiasm! I’m very glad I could help to empty the dishwasher!

  8. Jim

    Great shopping with these songs…made me so happy, I may have bought too much. Playing it some more while I work at my desk on getting this fall’s logger-training courses put together.

    Thanks, Ray!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! As always, I love it when the music lifts you up!

  9. Nancy Perrin

    Nice selections, Ray. Thank you.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy. Much appreciated!

  10. Donna Tillson-Bass

    Another awesome medley! Love the upbeat of this! Had the toes tapping! Sorry for the late comment. I am playing catch up today. Ready to binge the next two days!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Never be sorry bot a late comment. I always appreciate your very kind comments, but if you miss a day or two, that is fine. ๐Ÿ™‚

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