Playing Real Oldies!

Let’s start a new week by playing music from 1954 all the way through 1965.

After beginning with a 1962 Neil Sedaka hit, we go straight to two iconic songs released on this date, and follow them with a classic doo-wop song from 1954.

And then it’s a barrage of memorable hits from 1959, 1963, and 1964; every one of them a major Billboard hit and every one of them a memory!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

We’re Playing Real Oldies!

Neil Sedaka – Johnny Mathis
Ronettes – Chords
Dion & The Belmonts – Lesley Gore
Rick Nelson – Four Seasons
Gerry & The Pacemakers – Brook Benton
Newbeats – Beatles
Temptations – Seekers

Comments (22)

  1. Marty & Karen

    Sure have enjoyed the music and the back stories Ray. We have been traveling so comments have been limited.
    Welcome back my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Marty and Karen, as long as you’re enjoying it all, that’s what matters to me.
      I hope the travels have been a lot of fun!

  2. Suzanne Murray

    Best music ever. Welcome back.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Suzanne! It is good (very good) to be back! 🥰

  3. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Hi Ray, Ted to the rescue. The trick to get sound on my computer is to completely turn my computer off before using sound & I can listen after it is restarted. Why? Neither of us knows but we enjoyed todays delightful medley using my computer 🙂 Thank you for our morning music.
    Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, kids! I’m glad you figured out the problem and I’m very glad you enjoyed the music! 🥰

  4. Jim

    Loved these, some I listened to from a crib! Lucky for me, my parents had good taste in music. “It’s My Party” was a favorite of mine growing up.

    It’s truly amazing how things can stick with us that we heard while growing up. It’s also amazing the memories that are attached to the songs we listened to…people, places, good times as well as bad. Music did take a large part in my growing up. I’d say more than TV for me.

    Great times for sure!!!! 😊❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Jim, what a truly wonderful comment! ❤️ The memories attached to these songs is why I do what I do! I think you’ll enjoy my feelings about it all in tomorrow’s medley!
      Rock On!

  5. Nancy Garbati

    Jojo is so happy your back, she missed dancing you your music and her mommy missed you too! Loved them all!

    By the way, my email was hacked so I’m using now

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy (and of course, Jojo … damn, how I have missed typing that!)
      So, so glad both of you enjoyed the memories! 🥰

  6. Penny S Capron

    Great way to start off the week .. loved them all, would have to say my favorite is 12th of never …!!!!!
    You are such a remarkable, amazing and giving man!!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny! 🥰 I’m not at all surprised that the Mathis song would be your favorite in today’s medley.
      True Love Never Dies ❤️

  7. Terry

    Good musical morning! As Jim noted, these tunes evoke memories of the past! So interesting! It was notable to me that Until the 12th of Never brought new meaning and a few tears today… Loved today’s medley, Ray. So tickled to have your medleys to look forward to each day! Heartfelt thanks!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Terry, your lovely commentary absolutely touched me. “Memories” seems to the recurring theme in today’s comments and that is exactly what I aim for every single day! 🥰

  8. Sandy Gaither

    This was over the top, one of my favorite medleys. I probably shouldn’t plan to go anywhere today, because I can hardly even talk at this point. I think I have exhausted my voice. I think you heard me singing way up there in New Hampshire. What great selections, and what wonderful memories happened when we listen to these classics, the real Oldies!! Loved all of them, and love being in this group. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Ray, and remember, you’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I DID hear you up here, Sandy, and it made me smile! What a lovely voice! I am so happy the memories came at you in waves! 🥰

  9. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Enjoyed the medley as always and though “old” I knew all the songs, but the best part was you doing your DJ thing and your voice so strong and clear!
    As the song says they’ll never be another you…glad you’re back doing what you love

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Mary Helen, you are much too kind, but I do appreciate your lovely comments! 🥰

  10. Donna Tillson-Bass

    What another wonderful medley! “It’s My Party” has always been a favorite. My sister always had a great singing voice, and I use to be her to sing that to me, followed by “Judy’s Turn To Cry”!

    I’m so glad you are back! I love hearing your voice! Thank you, for being the best DJ!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Donna! 🥰
      I am so glad you enjoyed the music and the memories!

  11. Linda Lorinovich

    My dog Sadie and I went for a car ride. Put the windows down and I rocked this nusic. Ray, it made me feel so good. Thank you for the wonderful memories of the best music ever. I’m so glad you’re back making our days even better. Thank you

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Linda 🥰
      What a beautiful image! Car windows down, your favorite dog with you, and sweet musical memories blasting!
      Love it!

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