❤ Goodbye ❤

Now the lines have all been read
And you knew them all by heart
Now you move toward the door
Here it comes, the hardest part

This day has been a long time coming. I have toyed with the idea of stopping so many times, only to talk myself out of it every single time.

I can’t allow that to continue, if for no other reason than my health. It is no secret that my life was impacted immeasurably by a car accident in July 2021 when I was violently rear-ended while stopped in traffic. The injuries I suffered in that accident have left me permanently unable to use my left arm and hand. It has left me unable to walk without the use of a cane, and even with one, it has taken a supreme effort to not topple over.

Two weeks ago, I announced I was taking a two-week break so I could immerse myself into March Madness. Basketball was far from the real reason I took time off. A little more than three weeks ago, I suffered a transient ischemic attack (TIA) caused by a brief blockage of blood flow to the brain. A TIA usually lasts only a few minutes and doesn’t cause long-term damage. However, a TIA may be a serious warning. About 1 in 3 people who have a TIA will eventually have a stroke, with about half occurring within a year after the TIA.

Needless to say, this latest development doesn’t give me much of a choice. I have to stop and I have to do it now. I would, given a choice, keep right on going, but I’m rather fond of living. I have said this many times before but it bears repeating today. There are literally over two thousand medleys in the archives so for you, the music doesn’t have to stop.

There are so many of you I want to thank but I know I will leave someone’s name off, so I’m going to trust that YOU know if you belong on the list.

I will never forget what you have done for me. The songs I have selected for this final medley are my way of saying goodbye.
God Bless You

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Saying Goodbye

Green Day – George Harrison
Mac Davis – Emitt Rhodes
Status Quo – Ray Price
Dan Fogelberg – Elton John
Elvis Presley – Bob Seger
The Beatles

Comments (60)

  1. Nancy Garbati

    Hello my dear friend. I am so sad to hear of what you are going thru. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I love you for the wonderful man you are and for all you have done to bring us joy and happiness. I will continue to visit here and enjoy all your hard work for all the days of my life. Take care my friend. <3 <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Dear Nancy, thank you for your beautiful comments. Any time Jojo and you need to add some music into your lives, you will always find it here. Sending you lots and lots of love. ❤

  2. Marty & Karen

    Thank you Ray, you have become our very own “music man”. We are thinking of you and will every time the music plays. Love you our friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Marty & Karen ❤❤
      Your support has meant so much to me. Please consider the archives as your personal jukebox!

  3. Victoria PierceMulliss

    My amazing friend I’m so sorry to learn about your newest health issues and I will keep you in my prayers, I will sooo miss your melodies but you absolutely must put your health n self first.
    The un describable amount of time you’ve put into each of your melody posts has not gone un noticed or un appreciated I love and have enjoyed them beyond words of expression and I thank you so very much for them.
    Please keep in touch with me via messenger and know you are loved so very much. Your a very special incredible person ❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Your beautiful words touched my heart and they are so very much appreciated. The time put into these medleys pales in comparison to the love sent back to me. I promise to stay in touch! ❤

  4. Claire Pullinen

    Dear Ray,
    Thank you for the music all this time. What a job! I appreciate all your hard work and your love for the music. The songs will always be in your heart.

    Claire Pullinen

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Dear Claire,
      Thank you for the very, very kind words.
      It has been my extreme pleasure! ❤

  5. Claire Pullinen

    Fear Ray…I have to laugh at myself! Dear Ray…

    1. Ray (Post author)

  6. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good Morning Ray, Ted & “I” love you too. I know how to access your archives on Facebook & have a “Ray Lemire” folder with musical links with my e-mails so your music will still be played in Brandon, VT. In truth, today’s medley was not a surprise but you will continue to be in my prayers, in my memories & my friend that makes me smile with or without the music 🙂 Take care of yourself, enjoy life & listen to Mac Davis’ “Hard to be humble” if you’re feeling low ’cause all your friends would agree it could describe you. Thanks for the music & the memories. 🙂 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Good morning Lee & Ted!
      I hope you continue to enjoy the music I’ve left for everyone. You two have been so supportive over the years and I won’t soon forget it. ❤️❤️ I’m not sure Mac’s song would apply to me. Well maybe “I get better looking each day” part. 🤣🤣

  7. Linda Corliss

    I was a late comer to Streaming Oldies but both Rudy and I have enjoyed listening. I have saved the songs for the future. My favorite is Santa’s Secret I listen to it over and over again. As your sister I’m so very proud of the wonderful job you’ve done over these many many years. You take care❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Linda ❤️
      It is going to feel strange this Christmas when I’m not going to be playing Santa’s Secret. I’m glad you have it saved!
      Thank you for your very kind comments!

  8. Bonnie Adams Scriba

    Oh, Ray! My goodness,what to say. I haven’t listened to this collection, yet. I’m at my Dad’s in Derry, NH. At 97 years, he is facing big changes, so I shall hold onto this one for when I get home. You’re work will be treasured for years to come, when I shall think of you as I listen. Pandora just can’t compare! It doesn’t have your beautiful heart. Take care of yourself, my friend, and know you will be missed! Love you, my friend! ❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Bonnie ❤️
      Your kind words have lifted my spirits, but that particular gift is second nature for you. Please take care of your Dad and see to it that his needs are met. The music will always be here. Thank you for being you!

  9. Don Doyle

    Well Ray this is a surprise/ not a surprise. I guess I knew this was coming but still very sorry that it has come. I know this is not a decision that has been easy for you and you will be greatly missed. Your legacy is large and fortunately will be preserved by the archives you have created. Just because I respect your decision it doesn’t mean I won’t miss your mixes. My friendship with you is unique. I have never met you in person, only through the music & emails. Despite that I feel we developed a bond through our shared love of music. We became musical brothers. I enjoyed our back and forth and our common interest, the music. While our daily communication will cease I hope we can swap emails or have a phone call every now & then. Thank you Ray for all the pleasant musical conversations & the memories that you stired up so well. Rest well knowing all the joy you brought to the many, many people whose hearts you touched. A job well done. Adios my Brother, stay well.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Don. Yes, we have shared many items of discussion through the years and I sincerely hope that continues. Calling it a day was not easy at all, but I guess the survival mode kicked in. I can only hope whatever joy I brought to others comes close to equaling the happiness I was given by the best listeners on the planet! ❤️

      1. Kathy Lemire

        Dear Ray
        I will truly miss your songs and words. Im a late coming to listening. Music is a part of your soul and by share it with all of us you shared a piece of your soul with us. Miss you and hope to see you soon. Love you lots

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thank you for those beautiful words, Kathy ❤️
          It has been a grind but I wouldn’t take back one moment.
          You will see me soon, I promise.

  10. Penny S Capron

    There are so many things I want to say!!
    First ……. another amazing medley and such a perfect ending with Here Comes the Sun with your favorite group and circles back to where it all started with Wendy!!!
    For me, it goes beyond the medley’s!! You have been there to support me through the years starting 10 years ago with what Dennis and I were going thru to when I lost him to all my ups and downs since then!! There are no words to tell you what that has meant to me all these years and always will. To me, music is the window to the soul and it what has gotten me thru rough patches all my life .. you provided a platform that allows me and everyone else to enjoy and help us thru whatever .. that alone is priceless!!!
    You, Mr DJ man are not only an amazing DJ providing great music but one of the best people I know with a heart of gold!!
    I have rambled enough, so will go listen to the medley again (you know I can never listen just once .. lol)
    For me, this is not good bye BUT catch you later my friend!!
    Love and Hugs

    1. Ray (Post author)

      My Dear Penny, we have traveled a tough road together and I am so grateful I could be there for you when you were in need of a caring shoulder. I need you to know how much you have helped me. There were many times I was ready to pack it in much earlier than today, but your generous heart lifted me up and so today, young lady, I thank you so, so much.
      No goodbyes between us, just … later.❤️

  11. Cathy

    Ray, I know I’m not a big commentor, but I always listen., Usually in the car waiting for the kids. I bookmarked the archives along time ago, and I never close it. I picked days randomly and listen, and always will. You reached out to me when I was particularly sad, and I will never forget that. Music really is the only thing holding me together at this point and giving me hope and you are a big part of that for me. You will still be a part of our day. Definitely a part of my day. I’m sad but I’m so proud of you for putting yourself first. I’ve come to know myself that it takes longer every day to do the things we have to do just to be here with the people we care about. Our health has to be our number one priority. I am trying to do that myself. Isn’t it ironic that the older we get, the more we care, the more we love, The more we learn, and want to share what we’ve learned, the more we appreciate every moment, and want to be here as long as possible, and at the very same time, our physical being decides what we can and cannot do. You are always in my prayers, and I wish you peaceful, wonderful days with no pain, enjoying life and those you care about, improved health and a long life. Completely retiring is weird but the extra sleep is kind of awesome! It’s okay to sit back a bit and enjoy what you have created and left for others to always enjoy. Walk every day if you can, visit with people, get outside. We need all those things. I haven’t listened yet today but I will. My day starts early but is filled with children so I listen once they are in school. I will miss seeing you post even before I get up at 4, but I know I can still connect with the treasures you have saved for us. You are clearly loved by many and clearly respected as well. That’s a legacy in it’s self. I love and respect you. You are definitely one of my heroes. Thank you for being you

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Dear Cathy, the path you have been following has been much tougher than mine. I sincerely apologize for letting the lines of communication between us slip away, but I promise they will be restored. One of the sad parts of my story is I let the work consume me, to the point where I didn’t leave enough time for people who needed more from me. I greatly admire the way you have tried to put your life back in order and if possible, I will be honored to help. Sending you buckets of love because you definitely deserve it! ❤️

      1. Cathy

        oh, please don’t think you don’t help me already because you absolutely DO! never apologize for what you feel you need to do, work, relax, whatever. i think we are all just readjusting to the changes of life we weren’t expecting. you are a shining light for everyone who knows you. SO glad i found you when i did. it has always given me great comfort. love you right back!

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Cathy, your beautiful words give ME great comfort❤️

  12. Jo-Anne Burton

    Ray, thank you for all you have done for all the music lovers! I may not make comments but rest assured I have enjoyed all your music and will continue to! Please take care of yourself and always do what’s best for you and your health!! Always Jo-Anne🥰🙏🙏

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jo-Anne. ❤️
      It’s nice knowing you got as much out of the music medleys (especially the country songs) as I did putting them all together!

  13. Fred

    Ray this is a sad day for all us!! Are friendship goes back over 60 years and I know how hard this is for you but we have been talking about this for a few years and I am happy that you are finally going to take care of yourself!! What you have done over the years has been so special and somehow you knew what we needed and your History Lessons were fantastic!! I will miss your show but I am so happy that you are finally going to take care of yourself!! Thank you Ray I love ya and I am asking our Heavenly Father to watch over you and may God Bless!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Fred, ours is a true and long lasting friendship, and I know my ending the medleys today won’t change that at all. We both have our personal struggles but I know we will continue to be there for one another. We have always ended our comments to each other with two words, and today I will say them in bold because they are true.
      LOVE YA! ❤️

  14. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Dear Ray so saddened to learn of you deteriorating health…healing energy always sent your way
    I’ll admit to tearing up as I sometimes do over a loss of something precious
    This was a beautiful swan song
    Thank you for all the stories, history and music you taught us about
    You gave us the fruits of your passion
    And we are all improved by it
    You’re right, you will always be with us in our hearts and the archives will cheer us
    Thanks for ending with sunshine and hope
    It’s fare thee well never goodbye

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Mary Helen, once again you have knocked me for a loop with your eloquent writing. ❤️
      Sunshine and hope are constantly on my mind, and I pray both live in your heart forever.

  15. Nancy Perrin

    Thank you Ray, for helping me wakeup many mornings as I danced into the day. You’ve provided a wonderful, musical gift to so many.

    I experienced a CVA nearly 5 years ago and have had to adjust my life from vestibular and balance challenges. Radical self-care is in order for us now, isn’t it? I’m so glad you’re taking care of yourself.

    Many thanks Ray. You’re a super human being.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy
      I had no idea you had experienced a CVA. Adjusting your life was a necessity and now, it is the same for me.
      Sending you love across the miles! ❤️

  16. Karleen

    Ray, there are no words to say how much you mean to not only me but to everyone persons that you have touched. I am lucky to be able to called you my dear friend. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love you forever and always!!!!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Sweet Karleen,
      I have loved you since I first told you that you were a freak. 🙂 Our playful jabbing at each other meant the world to me and I will never forget all of those precious memories. I love you to the moon and back! ❤️

  17. Jim

    You put so very much into this…and I would expect no less. You are a shining light in many people’s lives, and always will be.
    Green Day – one of my lost son’s favorites! “Hope you had the time of your life.” “Something unpredictable, but in the end is right.”
    George Harrison – Sunlight doesn’t last ’til morning – All things must pass.”
    Mac Davis – “Rock-in-roll gave you the best years of my life.” – so true, Ray!
    Emmitt Rhodes – “You must live until you die – see the sun rising in the east – you must fight to survive.”
    Status Quo – “Every day a little more. If I look at all the things I could see & do, I would do them all for/with you.”
    Ray Price- “Don’t look so sad. I know it’s over, but life goes on. You’ll find another.”
    Dan Fogelberg – I would pick another song of his for you — “ Believe in Me “.
    Elton John – “Reality runs up your spine and the pieces finally fall.”
    Elvis – Memories sweetened through the ages just like wine.” “Pressed between the pages in my mind.”
    Bobby- “Think in terms of bridges burned” See the rivers rise and fall- they will rise and fall again.” “Final Sea”. “ Now it’s finally time to leave…Take it calmly and serene.”
    Beatles- “Here comes the sun – It’s alright.”

    And it is , “all right”, Ray…you have left us access to so very many GREAT memories. I am just one of many that will continue to listen on!

    And I will stay in touch.
    Thank you for all you do!
    Plagerized from a great person I have gotten to know—- “Peace, Love and Happiness and All Your Heart Desires”…

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Jim, thank you for making me cry. You really did but I know you did it out of love. ❤️
      We MUST stay in touch! You are one of the most gentle souls I have ever met.

  18. Vicki

    Thank you just doesn’t seem enough for all the wonderful music you have brought to all of us who have enjoyed listening to these great songs. But, it’s the best I can come up with, so, thank you Ray for bringing back so many memories.
    I am so sorry for all that you are going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Vicki ❤️
      Your “thank you” was more than enough. It was beautiful!

  19. Pat Kelley

    What an incredible musical gift you have given us all of us for so long, Ray. I, like many other listeners of yours, didn’t always comment. However, it’s important that you know that all of your Streamingoldies were very much appreciated. They always made my day a little better and a little brighter after listening. Your selections were always spot on and flooded me with memories from my childhood. Most importantly, Linda and I will be praying for your good health. You are right in making that your priority. Thank you my friend. What a legacy you have made for yourself.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat. I’m reasonably sure you have no idea how much I respect you, both as a songwriter and human being. The world could use a lot more people like you. ❤️

  20. Jim

    As a very, very good friend of mine, who left this world and moved on to look after my son…”You are simply the best!”
    I know that you will know what I am saying to you. I’m going to listen until the end and beyond…I also remain a friend. Let’s play music!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Jim, you are an amazing, amazing man! ❤️

  21. Linda Sexton

    Sweet Ray, You will be in my thoughts and prayers forever. What you have given to all of us, you will always be in our hearts. Thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given me, and to all of your listeners. I wish you the best and pray you enjoy doing what you can. We alllove you and I won’t give up listening to your music. To my 1968 Classmate…..THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Linda! You have been such a loyal and dedicated listener! You better be roaming around the archives because I’ll be looking for you! I love you, my dear friend! ❤️

  22. Rose M. Thow

    What a day this has been for you and for all of us as well.
    Bittersweet ~
    This has been your passion for many, many years spending countless hours and sleepless nights crafting the perfect medley, the most interesting and informative backstories and the epic history lessons! Your knowledge of “all things music” and memories of such has always amazed me! But the most important and generous gift you have given is how special you have made everyone feel. You know and remember personalities, our struggles and our celebrations. You know our “quirks” our likes and our dislikes … always, always validating our memories of days gone by.
    I know if things had been different your choice would have been as well. I am thrilled to see the most beautiful and loving comments you have received from everyone …. you deserve all the love and all the praise and all our admiration and I hope it fills your heart and I hope it makes you smile 🙂 YOU ARE LOVED
    Lemire, unlike CFR, this time YOU WERE able to say Goodbye ~

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Rose. ❤️
      A bittersweet day, for sure. There is a part of me that says, yes, get away from it all, but there is another part of me that never wanted to quit. I had so many things I wanted to do with the music; things that now will never arrive.
      I have been blown away by the outpouring of support and love. It certainly has made me smile 🙂
      Although medleys were a big part of what I have done after radio, it was a poor substitute for the interaction you and I had at WCFR. Those were some of the happiest days of my life. Music, laughter and a lot of love. I will always cherish those days and I will forever cherish you! ❤️
      I may have had the chance to actually say goodbye this time but it will always bother me to know WE weren’t given that chance at Landry’s excuse for a station. I will always take pride in knowing this site drew more daily listeners than he does. 🙂

  23. Scott and Michele

    Oh, Ray, we had no idea that you have been dealing with all of this. Our hearts just ache. We are so glad that you can take this time and focus on your healing. You will be in our thoughts and prayers ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    We love your medley’s, and take great joy in having access to your years of creativity.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Scott & Michele ❤️❤️
      I have appreciated your loyal support for so many years. Thank you for your kind words and your prayers..
      Much Love

  24. Liz Karlton

    You have brought so much joy and connection through the music, countless hours of commitment is apparent with each posting and medleys. Your heart is evident and I feel grateful to know you, so take good care as you have been. Prayers are with you everyday for improved health and wellbeing not just for what you offer here, but who you are. You are adored for all the right reasons. Love you Ray❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🎉🎉🎉

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Liz ❤️
      The generosity extended to me through these comments has filled my heart. Your words are very moving and I wish I could repay you with something poignant but words escape me. All I can say is thank you and I love you. ❤️

  25. Pat Conant

    Finally got to listen to this whole medley today. It was the perfect “Grand Finally! I am sorry that you are having medical problems, but happy you are choosing to take care of you. As I have said before, you are the best friend whom I have never met and the best DJ ever. I will continue to listen to the archives and will be praying that your health improves. Peace, love, happiness and everything else your heart desires. Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat. No, we haven’t met YET but never say never! Right at this moment, I feel fine and perfectly normal (as normal as someone like me could feel)! I’m taking too many naps during the day because I am bored, and when I’m not sleeping, I’m watching a lot of movies. I have been a workaholic my entire life and this change of pace feels highly unusual.
      I truly do appreciate your last sentence! ❤️

      1. Aleeta

        Ray, wishing you well and just to say I have enjoyed immensely every post I’ve listened to of yours.

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Aleeta, thank you so much for your lovely comments.
          I have thoroughly enjoyed having you along for the ride. ❤️


    I hope you can forgive me for not responding sooner. I was out of town and am just now seeing this. I think you know that everyone of your friend/fans wish nothing but the best for you. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will definitely be returning to your archives HUGS <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Eileen, there is no need to apologize. 🙂
      It has become very apparent that people actually like me!Seriously, I have been very comforted by the beautiful sentiments expressed on this comment page. They have lifted me up, as has yours! Thank you! ❤️

  27. Sandy Gaither

    Ray, I had started this a couple of times in my mind, making sure that I said everything I intended to. I cannot tell you how much your music and your words, when you do speak those words during a medley have lifted me up. The last year and a half for me has not been very easy, and I have chosen to just push on through. I love life, and I certainly am not ready to leave this greater than a time soon. I can certainly understand that you need to take a step back, and I think if you search your soul, you’ll find that you should’ve done this long time ago. We sometimes, take the steps that we really shouldn’t but it’s the driving us that makes us do that. You are one of the kindest, most gentle people that I’ve ever had the occasion to know, even though I have never met you in person. You and your family are a joy to speak to. I wish all wonderful things for you. Please take care of yourself, first and foremost, and know that I adore you and I am going to miss seeing those emails letting me know that there’s another medley ready. But I can certainly dig back through the archives as good as the next guy and I will do that from time to time. Know how much you are loved! It has been a wonderful ride! Take care and enjoy your time.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy ❤️
      I am doing fine, although I am incredibly bored. I admitted to being a workaholic a long, long time ago. When I ran a land development company back in the 80s, I worked over 80 hours a week every single week. I never regretted it because we were so successful and I made a truckload of money. When I went into radio, I did the same thing, although it was not for financial gain. I covered over 1,200 high school and college basketball and football games for no pay because I wanted to provide the kids playing those sports the exposure I thought they deserved. No regrets with that because it got me inducted into the Hall of Fame. Now with this site, I have continued that work, work, work philosophy, again for no money but I watched it grow from a blip on the radar screen to something I am very proud of. Streamingoldies made people smile and to me, that made every second of work I put into it worthwhile. I loved every second of it! That is why it is painful to just sit around. My father was the same way and when he retired at 65, he was lost. He died seven years later. I do not want the same ending. I have no idea what is going to happen down the road, but whatever I decide to do, I will have no regrets!
      I sincerely appreciate your very kind words. I always have. ❤️

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