A Tunesday Party!

Today’s medley is filled with music from your past. To be honest, virtually all of the medleys fit that description, but today’s is slightly different.

For example, when you look at the list of artists below, you’ll see Buffalo Springfield, but it’s not For What It’s Worth. You’ll see Rod Stewart, but if you think it’s Maggie May, it’s not. If you see Stealers Wheel and think it must be Stuck In The Middle With You, it’s not. There’s Otis Redding but it’s Not Dock Of The Bay.

All too often, some artists are fondly remembered for a song or two, but people tend to forget some of the other memorable music they also made. Check it out. I’m pretty sure some of them will ring a bell within a few seconds!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

A Tunesday Party!

Buffalo Springfield – Marcels
Del Shannon
Roy Orbison & k.d. lang
Mojo Men – Beatles
Frankie Lymon – Rod Stewart
Otis Redding – Stealers Wheel
Bobby Vinton – Kool & The Gang

Comments (16)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    πŸ™‚ Smiling after listening to today’s music. Thank you Ray, have a good day πŸ™‚ Lee & Ted+

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted!
      I am very happy you were smiling! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. Evelyn Page

    Thanks Ray. Have a fabulous day

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank YOU, Evelyn! Make it a sensational day! πŸ™‚

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    The Orbison/lang duet is an all time fave
    Liked hearing other pieces by these great artists!
    As always Ray, you rock

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen πŸ™‚
      Orbison/lang is quite easily in my all time Top 10.

  4. Pat Conant

    Celebrating this great music & the wonderful weather. “Runaway” and “Crying” are a couple of favorites. I love hearing the not so popular music, and Otis Reding’s was fantastic.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat πŸ™‚
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the music, but in particular, I’m thrilled you really liked the song by Otis!

  5. Fred

    Ray did k.d.lang ever get to Sing with Roy ever again or did he die before? And did you ever get the answers to why fools fall in love??!! There is one singer on here who you know who it is just by the sound of his voice!! Some one like you would know who I am talking about! He grew on me over the years he really has talent!! Otis Redding was so good!! Thank you for a great day! I think it was Kool how you ended today!! We all should celebrate and have a good time!! God Bless we are getting another day!!
    Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred.
      That song with Roy was the only time k.d. ever sang with him, but man, did those two nail it!
      Otis had a voice that could get you up and dancing or he could break your heat with a voice that ached.
      There is NO answer why fools fall in love! πŸ˜‰
      Love ya!

  6. Nancy Garbati

    Another busy day for me here, but really enjoyed these. Thanks as always!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy! πŸ™‚

  7. Jim

    Terrific mix for me. Some of the artist, I didn’t know, but recognized the song and a few of the songs I don’t remember ever hearing.

    Loved “Blue Moon”, “Crying”, Otis’s “I’ve Got Dreams To Remember” and “Star”.

    Looking very much forward to tomorrow’s medley. I’ll be taking it grocery shopping with me!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim!
      Recognizing the song but not the artist is very typical … but as long as you do recognize it means it must have been a memory somewhere deep in your mind. And that, my friend, is what this site has always been about!

      1. Jim

        And it’s the biggest reason I listen.
        Thank you for providing this stupendous resource for strengthening and holding on to memories. I really appreciate all of the hard work that you put into it. β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thank you, Jim ❀️
          You don’t know how much I appreciate that.

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