It Started With One Song

It was February 12, 2008. My daughter Wendy was very tired of winter and was longing for spring. I mean she was really looking forward to it!

And then the idea came to me. I decided to play a song on my site, hoping it would cheer her up. I called it a Smile Song and I had no intention of doing it again.

The reaction to the song was better than I had anticipated so I decided to do another one … and then another and another. Before long, Smile Songs became a regular routine and over time, they morphed into 50s Smile Songs, 60s Smile Songs, #1 Smile Songs, and eventually, Medleys of songs.

I have counted up those individual Smile Songs (over 2,000 of them) and Medleys (over 2,000 of those … and counting) and all of it started because a father wanted to cheer his daughter up on a cold winter day 14 years ago.

Today I dedicate this one-song “medley” to Wendy and go back to that one song that started it all. ❤️

Your Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

The First Smile Song

Comments (10)

  1. Jim

    Very sweet, Ray. Thank you for the history of all of this…and I am smiling now.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim. Now you know the backstory. 😉
      Wendy had no idea what she was starting. It has been a ton of work but I have never regretted doing it. ❤️

  2. Cathy Johnson

    Love this memory. what a treasure between you

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Cathy ❤️
      We do have a beautiful relationship. She is pure joy!

  3. Penny S Capron

    How awesome .. thank you Wendy!!
    What great memories for both of you!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny ❤️
      Almost 53 years of wonderful memories!

  4. Fred

    What a great father!! May God Bless!!
    Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred. He did ❤️
      Love ya

  5. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    I remember blasting this song over the quad at HWS after a long cold upstate NY winter
    The ultimate smile song…still thrills me after all these years

    1. Ray (Post author)

      It has the sunshiny guitar intro that immediately lifts the gloom from the room.
      And those beautiful lyrics finished the job.

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