Monday’s Music Memories!

It’s another Monday and another chance for me to see if I can help get you in the mood to smile!

Mondays are the day I do more “blathering” than normal and give you a look back on historical music events on this date in chronological order, including the day Bob Dylan put his foot down and declared his independence from being a “folk spokesman,” the day a music legend passed (and the final words he said to his wife), and the day an iconic television show premiered.

History and music memories. What could be better!! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

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January 15 Music Memories

Beatles – Elvis Presley
Bob Dylan – The Who
Ivy League – Animals
Chase – Stampeders
Leo Sayer – Harry Nilsson
Pratt & McClain

Comments (11)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    LOL, Ted & I don’t usually watch tv in the morning but today we did & we were watching “Happy Days” ’til 6am. Then we turned on computers & we started to listen to your Monday Medley only to start laughing when the last song came on & I’m sure you can figure why. Now I feel like I am blathering. I looked up the definition in my collegiate dictionary & feel it doesn’t really describe what you add to the medleys but have tried not to do it in my comments but today… So, Good morning Ray 🙂 Thank you for the music & for pulling everything together today.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Good morning, Lee 🙂
      I try to stay on top of things. 🙂
      I mention blathering” a lot because Jim Waters used that term a quite a while ago when discussing my talking during the medleys. I like it. It seems to fit!

      1. Rosa-Lee Gould

        Ray & Jim, I have been accused of talking to much in the past when repeating the same info to different people. I only looked the word up as I like to use my “Springfield words” properly. A term coined in the 70’s by friends when I used words like “contemplate.” I plead guilty of reading others comments so am aware of when the word “blathering” & how it came into play. It works & would be missed. Suggestion: I would not object if after comments you just put “TY & Ted” so you don’t have to type as much & I will “try” to keep comments shorter but no promises. 🙂 Lee

  2. Jim

    Great medley to start the week. I absolutely love the history lessons and factoids included. Some of my favorites.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim 🥰
      I love doing the “history medleys” 🙂

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Enjoy “history music” medleys
    No observational comments as they are sometimes perceived as critical and are never meant to be

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary 🥰
      You can make all the observational comments you want. If I perceive them in a negative light, that’s on me, not you. 🙂

  4. Nancy Garbati

    Nothing could be better. Such a great start to our new week. Thanks and have a fantastic day and a wonderful new week. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Nancy 🥰
      I am playing 2 songs for Jojo tomorrow!
      Have a super day!

  5. Rose

    Well done, Lemire! Bob Dylan was and is such a huge influence in our lives… say what you mean and mean what you say kinda guy!!
    Anyway, guess all my “feels” from the neck up are alive and well.

    Great music and blathering today 😉

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Rose 🥰
      I have never doubted your “feels” from the neck up … or the neck down, to be honest!
      I am so glad you enjoyed it!

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