Sixties Revolution!

Thirteen years ago, I got ambitious and produced a series of 26 one-hour programs I called The Sixties Revolution. I covered a wide range of topics from that tumultuous decade; music, politics, the Vietnam War, Grammy Awards, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and much more. Today I begin a biweekly look back at those shows. They will alternate every Thursday with a medley from the music archives.

This week it’s all about 1963 … The highs and the very lows.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Sixties Revolution – 1963
Originally Posted in 2011

Comments (24)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good Morning Ray, This is my favorite Sixties Revolution so far ‘course it’s only the 2nd one so it’s easy to say that. Ted’s older sisters were home so he heard the music in ’63, even played some of it later in life. Look forward to hearing what’s coming next. Have a good day & thank you 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lee & Ted 🥰🥰
      I’m very glad you enjoyed it. I haven’t listened to any of the other ‘Revolution’ shows so I don’t know which one I’ll play in two weeks. I guess we’ll all find out together. 🙂

  2. Suzanne Murray

    Well, I certainly haven’t had much time to listen in of late, however, I certainly picked a great one to listen to today! Miss hearing your voice, the music, as always, is fantastic, a bit of history that reminds us of how this country changed for a while, but is getting back to the mindset of those who were so wrong in what our society should be in this country, and how many songs were written about those tumultuous times. I just pray we as a society can correct the wrongs that are happening today before it is too late. Thank you for the wonderful music and memories of the times we lived in. Some good, some not so good….. however, reminders that we MUST work as hard as we can to change things, for our Grand-childrens and Great Grand-childrens lives.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Suzanne 🥰
      It is very understandable why you haven’t had much time to listen lately. I pray Louie is doing better. ❤
      I appreciate the kind words about the show. I’d like to think we, as a society, could correct the mistakes of the past, but sadly, I don’t see that happening any time soon.


    This was Fantastic Ray. Thank you ! 63 was a very memorable year all around. Thank God for the Great music!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Eileen 🥰
      I sincerely appreciate your positive comments! 🙂

  4. Pat Conant

    Didn’t have time to comment earlier. A lot of memories here. As a Jr/Sr in high school, I remember dancing to a lot of these at the Keyhole club or Friday night dances. One I don’t remember is Harlem Shuffle-either versions. (LOL) Anyhow, great medley, great memories.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat 🥰
      Playing 1963 was right up your alley!
      I hadn’t thought about the Keyhole club for a long, long time!
      I’m glad you enjoyed the walk down memory lane. 🙂

  5. Terry

    Thanks for this medley! My husband and I really enjoyed the lookback!
    Yes, some bad/sad memories, but some that really made us both smile and for that I am grateful!;-)

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Terry 🥰
      I’m so happy the two of you enjoyed it! I’m especially pleased some of the songs made you both smile! 🙂

  6. Nancy Garbati

    Jojo thinks the music from 63 rocks. Thanks and have a good day.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Nancy (and Jojo)! 🥰
      I’m glad you enjoyed it and I happen to think Jojo rocks!
      Rock The Day!

  7. Rose

    1963 …. After listening to this program, which BTW was EXCEPTIONALLY produced, just wonderful, wonderful …. I believe 1963 was the year my own personal revolution began!!

    The events in 1963 were indeed life changing ~ life forming!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Rose 🥰
      I really do appreciate the kind comments. If the program brought back memories of the start of a journey for you, that makes me happy! I do think my voice is lower now then it was in 2011.
      I want to thank you for being the impetus for me bringing back these programs!

      1. Rose

        Impetus ~ instigator …. it all works 😉 You are welcome! Fine work, Lemire ~ BRAVO!

        1. Ray (Post author)

          I came so, so, so close to using “instigator” 🙂
          Thank you 🥰

  8. Bob Hingston

    This was awesome Ray. Well thought out. A trip down memory lane for me, and great additions of the commentary but you, and the break in on JFK’s assassination. Thanks for doing this. Bob H.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Hinger.
      You must know how much I value your opinion, so your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you!

  9. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    An unexpected delight
    The first year of my teens and what a year in so many ways and this program took back to those days as I remembered them
    Now to think of these events, music and social changes with a 60 later perspective was very thought provoking
    I look forward to the next installment

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen 🥰
      I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It’s rather strange to realize that what we thought we knew back then were things we didn’t really know at all.

  10. Aleeta

    Double thumbs up!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Wow, thank you, Aleeta! That is very kind of you! 🥰

  11. Jim

    Just got a chance to listen to this one, again. So many memories from just a 10 year-old. Music was definitely one of the biggest time consumers of mine when I wasn’t outside playing.

    TV was just one B&W screen that the entire family watched for only an hour or sometimes 2 if there was something special on that we could all agree to.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks for the memories, Jim!

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