
My original intent was to announce my retirement today. I have been doing this for 18 years, and due in part to my car accident in July 2021, my health has been very adversely impacted.

That accident crushed three vertebrae in my back, severely limiting my ability to walk. In fact I can’t walk without the use of a cane, and even then, it is extremely painful. Surgery might have helped alleviate all of that, but I was told I am never going to be a candidate for surgery because I have had three episodes of heart failure, and the odds of me surviving surgery are less than 50 percent.

My left arm was also injured in the accident. I have no feeling in my left hand so typing became – and remains – a one-handed situation.

So I had decided enough was enough, BUT THEN… I thought about Bob Skold and John Dolan, two men who were more responsible for whatever success this site has had than anyone. They are both gone now but I promised them both that I would never bring this to an end. Besides, from the neck up, I’m still about 25! 🙂

So it’s a new year and there are some new policies.

Number 1… During 2023, I gradually but surely drifted away from the music this site was created for. I found myself playing more and more songs from the 80s and 90s, and while those songs may indeed be “oldies,” this site was started for one basic reason: Playing the best of the 50s, 60s and 70s.

I’m getting back to those basics.

Number 2… There will be much less talking from me. I know some of you enjoy the sound of my voice (for reasons that continue to mystify me), but “blathering” (thanks, Jim 🙂) between songs only increases the workload. Putting together the recent Christmas medleys was a joy (and a breeze) because I didn’t talk at all and no one seemed to complain.

Number 3… I will, for now, return to medleys five times a week, beginning next Monday. However, it has been suggested (thanks, Jim and Rose 🙂) that I do just a one-hour medley every Friday, similar to the old Sixties Revolution program I did years ago. As much as I appreciate the suggestion, I seriously doubt many of you would remember to tune in. Just for kicks, I’m including one of those old shows from 2011, and if you listen to the end, you’ll see I’ve been doing that “Peace, Love and Happiness” thing for years!. 🙂

Sixties Revolution

And finally, I could reconstruct the Oldies Stream and once again you would have no medleys but you would have an honest to God Internet radio station running 24/7 with no commercials.

So let’s wrap this up. I am okay with any of these possibilities. What would help me decide are your responses, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not tell me that I should do whatever makes me happy. I already know that. I want to know what YOU would like, and if telling me you’ve had enough of medleys is your answer, that is perfectly okay.

Comments (40)

  1. Tim ( Johnson ) Arsenault

    I would love the internet oldies stream . Glad you are still out there.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Tim. So would I but it would take me quite a while to load 2,000 songs into the database. I’m certainly not ruling it out, Oh, and I’m glad to be here, too! 🙂

  2. Donna

    I for one, would love to keep the medleys. I really enjoy listening to them. You will be wonderful at whichever one is chosen.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks for your input, Donna. I appreciate it!

  3. Wendyl

    I feel keeping the medleys would provide that daily connection your listeners enjoy having with you. Maybe somewhere in the week you could reshare your Sixties Revolution once a week depending on how many you have. Thanks for thinking of us and what we’d like. We’re thinking of you too!!! XOXOXOXO

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Wendyl! Long time since I typed that! Thank you for your input. By the way, I have 26 Revolution programs.

  4. Marty & Karen

    We have really enjoyed the medleys. I honestly don’t remember the revolutions. The medleys are also accessible in the archives anytime. The medleys from the archives you have been sharing are very enjoyable too.
    How about a combination of new and past medleys?
    Anyday you don’t have time or don’t feel well offer one from the past. Selfishly we want you continue,
    maybe three days a week?? Hearing you speak also adds the feeling we are not separated by so much distance. Sorry for the long comment Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Marty and Karen. The length of your comment didn’t bother me at all. It shows you put a lot of thought into it. The Revolution shows were in 2010 and 2011, and I think Wendy and Rose were two of the few who would remember them. I will absolutely consider your suggestion. In fact, I like it a lot!

      1. Marty & Karen

        Took a few days however we just listened the Revolution “show” featuring music from 1969.
        Certainly remember all the music despite not recalling the show itself. Mixing some of these along with new and medleys from the archives would be a great mix Ray.

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thanks, Marty & Karen 🙂
          The Revolution shows were done in 2010 and 2011. I’m pretty sure very few people will remember them because I had a much different audience then.
          You are on the right trail with the scheduling plan!

  5. Bob

    Thanks Ray for all you have done. Be well my friend. Wishing you a healthier and happy New Year. Best to you always, Hinger

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Hinger. All my best to you in 2024!

  6. Jim

    1. I like the sticking to the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s idea. There are plenty of other opportunities for people to listen to the 80’s & 90’s.
    2. If you could just “blather” for a little while in the beginning, telling us about what you did and perhaps an interesting history lesson about a song(s) and/or artist(s), it would be wonderful. Also, never,ever stop with your message at the end!
    3. Medleys, alone, each day is fine with me, as long as Friday is “loud”!

    You’re a good man, Ray! I believe that this plan would satisfy many people’s wishes as well as make you feel good.

    I love you as well as what you do for so many others.❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim!
      No matter what is decided, I can promise you this. The message at the end will NEVER stop!
      I don’t mind “blathering” 🙂 I just don’t want to do it between every song. I would say I could live with 5 of them in a 10-12 song medley.
      I’m not looking to call it a day. I just need to slow it down a bit. Marty’s suggestion of an occasional “archive” medley every once in a while sounds pretty good to me.
      I need you to know I love your support! ❤️

      1. Jim

        Sounds great to me! ❤️❤️❤️

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thank you again! ❤️

  7. Jim

    And, finally…great medley to get the year started! Happy New Year, everyone!❤️🤗

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, sir! ❤️

  8. Janice Stearns

    I like what Jim said, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s sounds great. Thanks for all you do! If you need to scale back a bit, that’s ok!


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Janice. I appreciate your input … and your concern. 🙂

  9. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good Morning Ray, This was my 1st Sixties Revolution listen, much of the music wasn’t that familiar to me but in 1969 I was married, moved & listening to country radio stations. I enjoy the medleys even those from the archives & I do like your blathering. I think 50’s, 60’s & 70’s would be the way to go if you’re continuing. Doing 5 days a week (not 8) I would use medleys from the Archives on Mon., Wed. & Fri.; something new Tues. & on throw back Thurs. play the Sixties Revolution shows. (or a combo that works best for you -LOL) This will give you time to think about streaming. Whatever you decide; here are my thoughts. Have a good day. 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you for your suggestions, Lee. I appreciate your feedback! 🙂

  10. Fred

    Ray short a sweet!! I liked Marty and Karen’s idea!! It is difficult do do because of your limitations but I think less time but keep going!! As you know I am limited as well but I won’t stop doing what I love as it helps keep me alive!! So keep going but make it more realistic as to how much you can do!! I know it’s a pain to add your voice but I believe it keeps the show real and live!!
    Love ya Happy NewYear and may God Bless!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred! I am very much like you. I keep going because it does help me keep me alive. I have received a number of suggestions and I promise I will seriously consider them all!
      Happy New Year and you must know I love ya, too. ❤️

    2. Bonnie Adams Scriba

      Hi Ray, we’re back in the states and I’m ready to hear my friend Ray! I have all those Christmas programs to listen to. Yeah! You are a sweetheart, to care about what we think
      I love your voice and blather! Keeping to our “oldies” makes me very happy! Most of all it’s important to me that YOU make YOU come first. We’ll all be here, no matter what you do, for as long as you do.
      Love you!

      1. Ray (Post author)

        Thanks, Bonnie 🙂
        Welcome back and enjoy those Christmas offerings! Thanks for your input!

  11. Pat Conant

    Commenting while listening for the first time to 60’s revolution. I agree with most of the comments above. I would enjoy continuing the medleys in whatever format you decide. The personal connections to you and your listeners is one of the reasons I listen. Hope your health improves in 2024.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat ❤️
      I sincerely appreciate your input and I take it very seriously.

  12. Terry

    Hi Ray,
    I like the idea of keeping with the 50’s-70’s.
    I do like hearing your occasional voice!
    Keep it fun for you…
    I am grateful for your persistence with moving forward and living.
    You are an inspiration.
    Keep on keeping on, my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Terry 🙂
      I am very grateful for your feedback. I am taking all of the suggestions into consideration.

  13. Nancy Garbati

    I agree with Bonnie Adams Scriba I love the oldies and hearing you is a plus, but I also know how your health issues can make it hard. How about you do just one group of Medleys per week and let us hear your amazing blather. We can come to this page and listen to any of the hundreds of Medley’s available here. What I want most is for you to take care of you. Jojo and I sign on here any time we want to listen. Please friend do what is best for you. <3 <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy (and of course, Jojo) ❤️❤️
      Thank you for your very sweet concern. Sometimes it is difficult, but most of the time, I am fine. A little uncomfortable, perhaps, but I always get it done.
      I appreciate your feedback and I will take everything you said into consideration.

  14. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Always good to get back to the initial mission…50s, 60s 70s
    I would listen anytime even once a week on Friday!
    Your announcement was very informative and you answered many questions
    I believe in doings things that give you joy until they don’t anymore
    Always a fan

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen 🙂
      I would be less than honest if I said the medleys continue to give me joy. They do, however, give me a way to make use of the free time I have, time that would find me glued to a television screen if not for the music. So in that light, I guess “joy” might be used.
      I think you can rest assured there will be more than a once a week medley, no matter what I decide.
      Thank you so much for your input!

  15. Penny S Capron


    I agree with Marty and Karen … a mix of new medleys with a few from the archives thrown in, that would give you time to take care of Ray!! Also like others, I don’t have a problem with you “blathering” … love hearing your voice 🙂
    Love and hugs my friend and stay warm.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny 🙂
      Throughout the day, I have read many wonderful comments and they have caused me to come up with a solution. I am going to try to incorporate the suggestions into a working plan, one I hope that satisfies everyone. Thank you for your feedback and your concern for my well-being.
      Love and hugs right back at you!

  16. Aleeta

    The 30 minute or longer sessions are good for me. But I am happy with your decision.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you for your feedback, Aleeta 🙂
      I think you’ll be happy with the outcome.


    I’m so sorry that accident has caused you so much pain.
    You know we all appreciate all you do for us.
    I love the idea of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. I guess I was a very happy young girl. The real oldies bring back wonderful memories! I’m pleased that you are going back to the basics. I also like to hear your voice along with the tunes…..jes say’n 🙂 I hope you have the best in this new year.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Eileen 🙂
      I sincerely appreciate your very kind words. It’s safe to say the majority of comments agree with yours. Thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts.
      Happy New Year!

Comments are closed.