Monday Music!

It may be Monday but no sad faces are allowed! If nothing else, you have to remember that Santa is watching!

And while the jolly old man is watching, you can be listening to some wonderful oldies! That should put a smile on your face! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Monday Music Marathon

Mamas & Papas – Coasters
Byrds – Marvelettes
Gary Lewis – Elvis Presley
Sam Cooke – Beatles
King Harvest – Chicago
Burl Ives – Bob & Doug McKenzie

Comments (10)

  1. Jim

    Good day…eh? Loved all of these! Brings back olts of fond early memories. I listened to a lot of music when I was just 9 – 12! I had a paper-route, actually two, when a friend down the street didn’t want to do his anymore. Also, we were supposed to be 12 to have a route. I was just 10. Bicycle had a set of those double-baskets on the back, and I had two over-the-shoulder bags full of papers. One of the first things that I spent my riches (lots of tips) on was a transistor radio. Of course, that was after spending way too much on candy from the store where I picked up the papers! (Jennot’s in Nashua, NH) Hung it from the handlebars so that I could listen while delivering the newspapers.
    Where is this, now? I took a lot of pride in my work, my customers did also, and I learned so many valuable things about working and life in general. Even became enamored in nature and critters those days out delivering newspapers.
    Just love learning the stories behind all of those songs and musicians that I enjoyed listening to. I knew nothing about that back then. Thank you for the enlightenment!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I can identify with the paper route, the bicycle, and the over the shoulder bags! Customer service was the key, and that paid off in tips, especially around Christmas!
      I’m so glad you enjoy the backstories. 🙂

  2. Nancy Garbati

    Thank you for the fantastic start to our new week. Rock On! <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you for starting your week by listening! ❤

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Couldn’t help but fall in love with this
    Maybe you were being facetious, but This Diamond Ring was not a fave, marveled that it was a hit and I valeats thought only b/c he was Jerry’s son
    I adore Sam Cooke, but what a sordid end… don’t know anything that could be appropriate
    I know I was a never Xmas music voter, but so far I ve enjoyed all the choices so far and perhaps b/c they were secular
    I never heard the spoof by the McKensies…clever with more current gifts
    What an amazing reaction for King Harvest

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I was being very facetious with my comment about you enjoying This Diamond Ring. You told me well over a year ago that you didn’t like it. That’s why I cleared my throat after dedicating it to you. 🙂
      Chain Gang would have been more appropriate for Sam Cooke, but it wouldn’t have been half the fun for me.
      I play a lot of secular songs leading up to Christmas, and in fact, I stick pretty close to playing traditional memories. Not all the time, but probably close to 80-90 percent.
      Bob & Doug have been a favorite of Wendy’s for a long, long time.

  4. Pat Conant

    I never heard the story about Sam Cooke. How could someone with such a beautiful voice be so awful? As for Chicago, a great way to choose the lead singer. Elvis songs always come with many good memories. As for Bob and Doug, I would be happy never to hear that one again.LOL

    1. Ray (Post author)

      One of the many problems with becoming a celebrity as big as Sam Cooke was is the feeling that you are untouchable when it comes to breaking all the rules. He was a very handsome man with a beautiful voice, but clearly he had some demons.

      Okay, no more Bob and Doug. Got it. LOL

  5. Penny S Capron

    Great medley, love hearing the back stories on the songs and or artists that I had no clue ………. some are very sad and or have sad endings 🙁 but their music lives on especially because of people like you!
    Have a good night my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny 🥰
      I always appreciate the very kind things you say. You’re right about the untold sad things that happened to singers we all loved.
      Have a lovely evening!

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