John Dolan’s 50s Medley

If you love the Fabulous Fifties, this is the medley for you! Yes, it’s another trip inside the archives so get ready to party!

As an added bonus, you get to hear a DJ throughout today’s medley, but it’s not my voice you’ll be hearing this time. It’s the voice of John Dolan, a 1950s and 60s Canadian radio legend in places like CHED in Edmonton, Alberta, and CKEY and CHUM in Toronto.

In 2007, John appeared from out of nowhere to inform me that he loved Streamingoldies and even though he was retired from radio, he wanted to help me out any way he could.

For the next four years, John was a constant presence in my email folder, sending me an endless supply of jingles and liners. And it wasn’t just emails. During our many hours of talking on the telephone, I would listen to this marvelous gentleman share stories of what radio had been in the Fifties and Sixties.

And he did love the Fifties … with a passion! That is why today’s Fifties medley could only have one DJ taking you through all of it. John may have sadly passed away in 2011, but around here, he is – and always will be – the voice of the Fifties.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

John Dolan’s Fifties Medley

Bobby Darin – Little Richard
Elvis Presley – Chuck Berry
Buddy Knox – Fats Domino
Carl Perkins – Jerry Lee Lewis
Buddy Holly – Diamonds
Bill Haley with His Comets

Comments (19)

  1. Linda sexton

    I hadn’t been to sleep yet, it was one of those nights My mind wouldn’t stop thinking.
    I Receive your music so I figured I might as well listened to it And i’m glad I did. Some great stuff. I tried to lay here and still go to sleep, But I found myself tapping my fingers and my feet to the Hopping sounds of the greatest years ever. I am still awake it’s 550 am.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Linda. I have those type of nights, too. I’m very happy today’s medley perked you up! 🥰

  2. Linda Corliss

    Awesome,what great tunes to start your day. He certainly had a beautiful radio voice.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Linda 🥰
      I loved John Dolan. He was the most kind man I have ever known. As for his voice, yeah, I’d say I have always been impressed. Very glad you enjoyed the music!

  3. Penny S Capron

    How awesome that John reached out to you and the memories you have with him!! A fabulous medley from a great era and what an ending to perk you up … LOL
    Have a great day my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny 🥰 There were so many times I thought about quitting around 2010, but John made me promise I would keep going. He used to say “Streamingoldies is a gift to people, Ray. Don’t let it slip away.” When he died in 2011, I was very depressed about it, but I have always remembered my promise to him.
      Rock The Day!

  4. Jim Waters

    A 50’s mix that includes songs that even, me, being just born in 1953 remember listening to. Thank you, John & Ray

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim 🥰 There are times when I think playing just music from the 50s isn’t a bad gig. I don’t know how long it would be before people got bored with it, but John always told me it was his favorite era.


    Thanks Ray! I got up very early and had lots to do….this was a great choice to get me moving 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Eileen 🥰 I hope the energy boost stays with you all day!

  6. Nancy Garbati

    Loved them all and love that he had reached out with you, but not surprised as who wouldn’t reach out to a wonderful person like you. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy ❤ I am beyond blessed that he did reach out to me.

  7. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Musical arrangements were much simpler, shorter and purer than current pieces…due to radio play?
    Enjoyed this medley lots, but as the song says Ray, he’s not you!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen 🥰 Back in the 50s, songs were usually in the 2:00-2:30 range, and almost never did they approach 3 minutes, and yes, that was because of radio stations dictating the pace. As for John, I should have included one of several clips I have of him back in the 50s. He was as frantic as Cousin Brucie or Murray The K. When he started recording liners for me, he was approaching 75, but I still loved his voice even then.

  8. Pat Conant

    Great story of friendship and love between two great DJs. As for the music-love,love,love. My sister, brother and I received a record player for Christmas when I was 11 or twelve and we were so happy. Party Doll and Little Darling were a couple of the first 45s we ever bought. A lot of great memories today, thanks, Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat 🥰 There wa a great deal of friendship and love between John and me. He was such a gentle soul. I love the record player memory! I’m so glad you enjoyed this!

  9. Fred

    I know how much you loved this man and I am so happy for you and think of all the memories!! Thank you for sharing !! What a great voice and just think he did a show for you!!
    Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred 🥰 There are some great memories and I am so thankful for them.
      Love ya!

  10. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Today has been a good catch up day for morning music. So Ray, is this your go to Medley to listen to in your Archive? Memories of friends are precious. Be back to listen to Th & F tomorrow. Have a good Saturday & thank you for the music. 🙂 Lee & Ted

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