Honoring Our Veterans

I will begin by letting you know that I am fully aware of the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
I know for example that Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring military personnel who died in the service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle.
Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices, but it also honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace – dead or alive.

And finally … some of the songs in this medley reference the fact that not all of the brave men and women who fought valiantly for this nation – especially those who fought in Vietnam – received the gratitude of a thankful nation. It would be wrong to ignore that fact and pretend they were welcomed home as the heroes they most certainly were.

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

Veterans Day Medley

John Michael Montgomery – Arlo Guthrie
Big & Rich – Billy Joel – Barry Sadler
Montgomery Gentry – Trace Adkins
George Jones – Arthur Davies

Comments (16)

  1. Jim Waters

    I will be listening these on my way to Cortland, NY with truck and trailer to move my brother-in-law’s stuff out of his place to bring back to Castleton-on-Hudson. I’m sure we’ll listen to it a couple of times…once on the way there and once on the way back. I will most likely play some of the archives as well.

    Have a good Veterans Day, Ray. You will certainly be making ours better.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Jim 🥰
      Admittedly, this is not one of my “normal” medleys, but today is not a day for one of those. I hope you enjoy it.
      Safe travels, my friend.

  2. Nancy Garbati

    This was perfect. Thank you for honoring all those that served. Have a great weekend! <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy. Have a wonderful weekend! 🥰

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    What an exceptional tribute created with love… very moving
    How very sad that because Viet Nam was such an unpopular war, that despite domestic movements to change the world we failed miserably to honor those vets
    I think we’ve done a poor job in recognizing vets from the Gulf wars and Afghanistan too

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen 🥰
      This country did an absolutely terrible job of honoring Vietnam veterans and you’re right, it wasn’t much better for the veterans of the Gulf wars or Afghanistan.

  4. Penny S Capron

    Outstanding and fitting medley today my friend! I am not going to go into rant about what I think of the Vietnam war today .. just going to try to reflect on Dennis and the price he paid all those years! 🙁
    Now I am off to honor my Vietnam Vet the only way I can – Daniel / family and I are taking his dad roses as we do a few times every year!
    Have a safe and relaxing weekend my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny ❤
      May God bless you

  5. Fred Guilmette

    This had me in tears!! I lost so many friends in Nan!! I also want to thank all our Veterans past and present!! To say I will protect you with my life means the world to me!! Every song today was perfect!!
    Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred ❤
      Love ya!

  6. Pat Conant

    Such a touching medley-can’t help but cry listening to these. If only the world could learn from the wars of the past. My husband was lucky enough to serve during peace time between Korea and Viet Nam (Has there been any peace since then?} Anyhow all the veterans during war are left with scars, both physical and mental, and I thank each and every one for their service. We need to do more for these veterans.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat ❤
      I wish the world could learn, but that seems less likely as time goes on.
      And yes, we must do much more for the men and women who have served this great nation.❤

  7. Bonnie Adams Scriba

    Oh my! Ive never heard many of these songs, and am grateful for this compilation. As the tears fill my eyes, and my heart aches, especially for our generation of Viet Nam vets, I become recommitted to Quilts of Valor. For our boys who were never thanked for their service. I am blessed to be able to create quilts, one of which was presented to a veteran on Saturday. She sent me a text to thank me! I am humbled. Sorry Ray, I didn’t mean to get long in the tooth. Thank you again for reminding us all of the important “stuff” of life. ❤️

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Bonnie, and God bless you for what you do. That is important “stuff” ❤️

  8. Rosa-Lee Gould

    3:45am 11/18/23 Haven’t shared a memory for a while. My nephew Kyle & a theatre group he was in did a tribute to Veteran’s by recreating with movement the Montgomery Gentry’s song you started with. It was beautifully done. Thank you to those who have served & thank you for your tribute to them even tho I listen with tears in my eyes. Lee

    1. Ray (Post author)

      4:15am 11/18/2023 Thank you, Lee 🥰 You always share such special memories, but this one was really beautiful!

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