From The Archives

The world is going crazy. There is a war in Europe and another in Israel. In America, there is sky high inflation, rising gas prices, food prices are out of control, and in Washington, we have politicians who should be ashamed to show their faces.
What You Need Is Something Mellow

I don’t normally post medleys on a Saturday, but I had nothing to do on a Friday night. I dug deep into the archives and found this medley because if you want something very mellow and very classic, you just have to play Johnny Mathis. 🙂

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

Johnny Mathis Medley

Comments (18)

  1. Erron

    This was wonderful- thank you.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Erron 🥰

  2. Marty

    Surprise, surprise! I think I’ll have another cup of Joe and savor Johnny this morning.
    Have a great weekend Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Marty! I hope your weekend is wonderful, wonderful! 🙂

  3. Jim Waters

    What a fantastic voice! When I hear these songs, it reminds me of being very young and my dad and my grandfather, on my mom’s side (Papa- which is my nickname now!🫠) listening to Johnny.

    Thank you. Probably the best years that this country has ever seen. I’m praying that things will once again become good. (🙏)

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Jim! Johnny had an incredible set of pipes, that’s for sure! 🙂


    If I’m driving on 95 in rain and heavy traffick….Johnny Mathis keeps me calm. Thanks so much for this Saturday surprise. You made me smile.
    I don’t think it’s news to you that I love Johhny 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Eileen, it is no surprise at all. 🙂 Be Safe! 🥰

  5. Sandy G

    What a wonderful Saturday surprise! I could listen to Johnny Mathis for hours. His voice is so soothing, and smooth. Couldn’t have chosen a better crooner for the weekend to get us all into a mellow mood! Thank you Ray this was certainly a very welcome treat! You’re the best!🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy 🥰
      I am always so pleased when I know you’ve enjoyed what I have put together. I don’t know about North Carolina but it is a miserable, rainy day in New Hampshire and Vermont so I hope that helps people up here. Have a wonderful day!

  6. Fred

    Ray thank you after a long week of treatments a mellow day is just what the Dr. ordered!! I have always loved Johnny Mathis!! So I am now nice and mellow!! I trust as always you will be busy as always!! I will bet I am not the only one who enjoyed todays choices!!
    Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Fred!
      I’m so glad you found the music to be relaxing. 🙂
      I’ll be watching college football from noon until midnight.
      Love Ya!

  7. Lynda

    Thanks, Ray. My favorite of his will always bring great memories. Twelfth of Ne’er. Nice to be able to understand the words of the oldies. You make us happy.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Lynda ❤ I am so happy you enjoyed it!

  8. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    What a great surprise for a dismal day
    I have tapes and CDs worn out b/c I love this voice
    I’d fly the ocean in a silver plane and see the jungle when it’s wet with rain b/c he belongs to me

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I’m going to go out on a limb, Mary Helen, and suggest you are a very big fan of Mr. Mathis, and therefore, you’re feeling a little bit like you are in musical heaven. 🥰

  9. Pat Conant

    It’s wonderful, wonderful and so soothing. His voice is beautiful and they just don’t write love songs like those anymore.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat 🥰
      Johnny’s voice has meant a lot to a lot of people.

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