Flashing Back To 1968

We turn our attention to the music of 1968. It was the year music really did grow up, and the proof is tucked inside this 44-minute medley of classic hits!

I could have gone on a lot longer but I decided giving you a small sample should convince you. It was a wonderful year to turn 18!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Thirteen Hits From 1968!

Marvin Gaye – Beach Boys
Glen Campbell – Steppenwolf
Status Quo – Manfred Mann
Cream – A Short Warning
Crazy World Of Arthur Brown
Otis Redding – Paul Mauriat
Beatles – Donovan

Comments (16)

  1. Jim Waters

    Love these streaming oldies! From ‘65 on it just keeps getting better for me! Can’t wait for 1969…probably the most impactful and influential year of my life…going to Woodstock, moving at the age of 16 from Nashua, NH to Springfield, Vt. Leaving many friends,along with a girlfriend behind…struggling to live in a totally new and strange place, making new friends and spending a LOT of time listening to music.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I just finished putting 1969 on the schedule and I truly believe it’s the best one yet! You left Nashua and moved to Springfield the same year I left Springfield and moved to Los Angeles! We both experienced culture shock. but the important thing is we both adapted to our new surroundings (and speaking personally, I had a LOT of fun adapting!) and grew from the experience!

      1. Jim Waters

        Change is all about what a person can make of it! Sometimes when it is forced upon us, it seems hard, but that’s how we grow.

        1. Ray (Post author)

          I couldn’t agree more, Jim. Forced changes are never fun.

  2. Sandy Gaither

    This, indeed, was a wickedly wonderful Wednesday! Loved all this brought me back to a simpler time. The music really did start changing in 1968 that is for sure. It was sort of all over the map and I for one thought it was great a challenging day just when you get used to listening to something at a certain tempo along, came something else to replace it. It was a fun time for sure. Glen, Campbell, the Beach boys, Marvin Gaye, Steppenwolf, and on we go. These were some of my favorites. I love the one by Dion and I remember singing it over and over thinking about peoples lives have been lost. This was terrific and I’m thinking tomorrow is gonna be 1969? Whatever you decide to do Mr. DJ., We will love it. Love your choices, as always, and don’t forget – – you’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Sandy 🥰 I’m very glad you enjoyed this, but to be honest, I think (hope) 1969 was much better (and easier) to put together. Maybe it’s the fact I talked more between songs to avoid so many genre changes. I guess we’ll see. 🙂

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    A favorite year…transitioning from folk, blues to heavy metal rock and surreal or spiritual
    Two assassinations within months!
    Not filled with faves, but that was our music

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen. I had been looking forward to 1968’s music but when I started to put it together, I realized that year, for me anyway, was all about the Beatles, Cream, Status Quo (a band most Americans shunned), and not much else. I attempted to resolve the “problem” by going with the biggest selles that year and wound up with a potpourri of different sounds. Not easy to make it “flow,” but that happens sometime.

  4. Penny S Capron

    Another great medley, not familiar with all of them but still great music! The mid to late 60’s was when we started seeing some changes in music which can be a good thing or not?? But the 50’s into the 70’s were simpler times for most of us and the music was some of the best we will ever know!!! (my opinion) What a swing from Wichita Lineman to Born to be Wild … love it!! Strong finish with Dion ..
    As always, you rock Mr DJ!!!
    Have a wonderful day my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny 🥰
      I rather enjoyed taking it from the gentle style of Glen Campbell to the “heavy metal thunder” of Steppenwolf!
      It was a diverse medley, primarily because it was a year filled with so many changes in our world.
      Rock The Day!

  5. Nancy Garbati

    Another late day for Jojo and I but we loved each and everyone of them. Of course 1968 was a good year…we graduated in 1968. LOL

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Best damn class … EVER! 🥰

  6. Rosa-Lee Gould

    It’s after 6pm, Ted & I just finished listening to today’s music. Jotted a few notes but to tired to make sense out of them. Time to relax. Hope it was a good day 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, guys. I hope you had a very good day. 🙂

  7. Pat Conant

    Interesting mix from 1968- couple I don’t remember but enjoyed all. As you were graduating from high school, I was graduating from college. I should say barely graduating,LOL. As I was a history major, I had lot of reading courses and I needed 3 more credits to graduate. My sister suggested I take Etymology, which was a terrible mistake. I barely passed it. After graduating, I worked for a while at Boston Public Library. The big city was not for this country girl!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat. As I have said before, I love your memories! 🙂

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