A Very Special Year!

Today’s medley is going to require you to use your imagination. I need you to close your eyes and transport yourself back to 1964.

That’s all you have to do in order to remember how much you enjoyed these timeless musical treasures you listened to on your transistor radios! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

The 1964 Medley!

Beatles – Searchers
Animals – Beach Boys
Supremes – Roy Orbison
Temptations – Four Tops
Bobby Vinton – Peter & Gordon
Zombies – Dave Clark Five
Herman’s Hermits – Elvis Presley

Comments (22)

  1. Erron

    1964 was a very special year

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Erron! 🥰 It most certainly was. 🙂

  2. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Closed my eyes & since it’s October I am 14 & my #3 brother Bill was born in July. You & I are in 8th grade at Riverside. I am a cashier in the cafeteria where we get to listen to this music while eating so it’s easy to go back in time. I can quietly sing or hum along with all these tunes. It was the age of transitioning. Ted was 11 but he has played most of these songs with the different bands he has played with. Enjoyed the music & it was good way to start this terrific Tuesday Have a good day & thank you for the musical memories 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee & Ted! 🥰
      I sure do remember the cafeteria music at Riverside! It’s kind of funny to think that 59 years later, I’m recreating that same thing every day!

  3. Jim Waters

    Closed mine and I was 11, living in Nashua, NH, and in a garage a couple of blocks away with 4 friends. We would get together, listen to music and pretend to be playing instruments and singing along.
    Too bad those times weren’t captured by video!
    Thank you, Ray, for the memories!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I love that vivid memory! ❤

  4. Nancy Garbati

    Awesome as always! Have a great day <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy! 🥰

  5. Claire

    I would like to know how the words to these songs can come flooding back but I can’t remember what I had for breakfeast yesterday!
    Go figure.
    I was 10.


    1. Ray (Post author)

      That really does happen to a lot of people, Claire! And I am one of them. I’m so glad you enjoyed this! 🥰

  6. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    A blast from the blast that was a blast!
    Singing along, dancing and clapping my hands especially on the Dave Clark Five number.
    The British invasion and a wave of new sounds…what a good year!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      So glad you enjoyed it, Mary Helen! 🥰

  7. Pat Conant

    Closed my eyes and I was living away from home for the 1st time, as a Freshman at UVM. I was feeling like a little fish in a big pond, and a little bit lonely.(A little bit because I was lucky enough to have my sister, who was a Senior living one floor below me.) “Mr Lonely” was a poignant reminder of my boyfriend, who had enlisted in the Marines after graduation. Great memories abound in the music of 1964. Thanks for playing these, Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat 🥰
      I have long known 1964 was very special to you. I didn’t know about the “Mr. Lonely” connection so I’m glad I included it. That song, by the way, was my mother’s favorite. I think you’ll enjoy tomorrow’s medley, too! 🙂

  8. Penny S Capron

    what a great medley .. even though I was very young then .. 60’s is some of my favorite tunes!! I sang along to most of them 🙂
    Have a good evening my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny! 🥰
      It was a marvelous year for music and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

  9. Marty & Karen

    Playing catch up today but not anxious for the end of this medley. Been a long time since hearing Bobby Vinton and the Zoombies. So many memories
    Ray. We are loving this music!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Marty & Karen, thank you for the very kind words. 🥰
      I’m always happy when a medley is so enjoyed that listeners don’t want it to end! 🙂

  10. Sandy Gaither

    Well, it is now Wednesday and I haven’t listened to the wonderful medley yet but I did listen to 1964. Oh my gosh what a busy year that was I had my first child a son in March of that year, so know it being October he was starting to do all kinds of things talking and sitting up and crawling and getting ready to walk. I continuously had music playing in my house and I was off work until he was a year old. i’m pretty sure this is something that would not be allowed today. I loved every single one of your selections, and as usual, I knew all of the words. I sang along as brilliantly as I could possibly make myself. Still suffering from some stinky old side effects from yesterday’s chemo round. Not sure that you read my message on Facebook, but it was sort of a catastrophe and I was pretty scared. But the Lord is watching over me, and here I am, still kicking. And I’m kicking really hard! This was super can hardly wait to hear 1965 and that’s always Ray, you’re the best! 🥰🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy ❤
      While I loved the memory of your son growing, I was so shaken by your Facebook post that I literally and immediately dropped to my knees in prayer. In my physical condition of not being able to walk, that is a task I would never normally take on, but you, dear girl, are worth the risk.
      You keep kicking and I will keep praying. ❤


    I was 14 all over again. Thanks so much for your fine choices. Clicked it on a few times 🙂
    As always, Thanks so much for all you do. You are much appreciated.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Eileen 🥰
      I’m sure it felt wonderful being 14 again! I agree with the memories floating through your mind like a video. I get that feeling all the time!

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