TGIF Medley!

I’m going to get right to the point. This is a rock and roll medley. It is supposed to put you in the proper frame of mind for the weekend.

There, that’s it. Nothing more needs to be said. Just sit back, crank it up to 11 and let the weekend begin! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Rock and Roll Party

Yardbirds – Faces
Cream – Beach Boys
Elvin Bishop Band – Starship
Beatles – Tina Turner
Animals – Van Halen
The Cure

Comments (18)

  1. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Morning Ray 🙂 What a great way to start the day. Ted & I are ready to go back to work today. I have a plan of action & memories to smile about. Sunrise was beautiful today, hope you saw it. Great selection tho I guess I’m guilty of playing the worst song on a juke box in a pizza shop more than once in the past. Thanks for today’s musical medley. So glad I got to enjoy R&R when it was peaking (like the Autumn leaves). It’s a good day. Hope everyone has a good weekend. 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, kids! 🥰🥰
      I was awake at 2:00 this morning and I definitely saw that sunrise! I’m glad you enjoyed the music!

  2. Judy Washburn Barcomb

    Thank you, Ray!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank YOU, Judy!

  3. Sandy Gaither

    Definitely, definitely, a rock ‘n’ roll party! Thank God, it’s Friday! I actually got up out of my chair and did a little bit of Dan sit out to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. And it’s gotten me prepared, to go out in the yard and finish raking on one side of my property that I started yesterday. It feels good to go out and get my hands in the dirt again. I’m sure it’ll be short-lived because next Tuesday I start with Round 2 of chemo. Your music always inspires me, I guess I’m one of those people that the music just gets into my bones and it affects every nerve in my body. Thank you Ray for another great Friday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and remember – – You’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! I hope you don’t over do it. I realize you understand your body better than anyone else but I worry about you. 🥰

  4. Jim Wateres

    Oh, my god, I heard your last words and was thinking that it was strange, then thought that it reminded me of a song from a while back…and you played that song! You’re the man!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I like to think we are a well oiled machine, my man!

  5. Jim Waters

    When you were saying about the other days of the week, I was thinking that there was a song that hung in my head about that… You nailed it!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Great minds, Jim. It’s a beautiful thing!

  6. Nancy Garbati

    I’m too tired to Rock & Roll due to the move, but loved listening to it. Now Jojo, danced up a storm. Thanks and have a great weekend. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I can always count on Jojo to be the life of the party! Get rested up this weekend. 🙂

  7. Penny S Capron

    great medley to head into the weekend!!
    Have a great day my friend

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny 🥰
      I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  8. Pat Conant

    Listening on a dreary, rainy Saturday afternoon. Did revive me some. I bet the tourists are not happy with the weather!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat 🥰 Yes indeed, it has been a terrible day for any tourists who expected something beautiful!

  9. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Been away and just listened to the Friday medley…enjoyed as always
    Game of Love – Santana
    Drive – The Cars
    Broken Glass – Lennox
    The Shoop Song
    How’s that for a bunch of unrelated requests?
    Requests b/c I enjoy your backstories

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen 🥰
      Glad you enjoyed the Friday medley! I will be playing an All Request Thursday and your songs will be in there!

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