Hump Day Tunes!

I did my job today so you have a brand new medley! It may not move you or cause you to run down the street singing, but at the very least, it’s a new one!

There are no requests on this 12-song mix, primarily because I grew tired of asking for them, but some of the medley is upbeat rock and some of it is sultry R&B. Oh, and one – the final song – is a tender classic lullaby.

Hey, but at least I did my job today! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Wickedly Wonderful Wednesday!

Lou Gramm – Marcels
Mary Wells – Doris Troy
Lovin’ Spoonful – Raiders
Tommy James – Toto
Badfinger – Beach Boys
Janis Joplin – Mama Cass

Comments (16)

  1. Jim Waters

    Loved that “Hanky Panky” song when I was growing up! Thanks for another great start to a Wednesday, Ray!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you for the kind words, Jim! 🥰 I hope your Wednesday continues to rock!

  2. Nancy Garbati

    Jojo thought they were all great. Thanks. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Nancy (and the dynamic Jojo)! ❤

  3. Rosa-Lee Gould

    DJ’s Choice Day 🙂 Definitely a medley acceptable to all who listen. Ted & I listened 2X ’cause I was doing dishes & looked at who had played when it was over & asked him what song Toto had done, if it had been the Africa one. He wasn’t sure but obviously I had heard it as that was the one. Lovely way to start our day. Thank you Ray, have a good one 🙂 Lee & Ted

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee & Ted 🥰
      Africa is one of my all-time favorite songs. I’m glad you enjoyed the medley! I just finished putting tomorrow’s medley together and I did not forget your request. ❤

  4. Sandy Gaither

    Oh, this was so great, some songs that I hadn’t heard a while, but I especially love songs that I can sing with. This was a great selection, and I learned a few things. I always love Janice, Joplin, and I knew that she OD’d at such a young age. Mama Cass, nobody like her! But I was also thrilled to hear the Lovin spoonful and Toto. You really had me at Tommy James! Oh, you just know your audience so well! Hope you have a wickedly. Wonderful, Wednesday, Ray! And remember, you’re the best. 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! 🥰
      I hope, hope, hope I put a smile on your face this Wickedly Wonderful Wednesday!

  5. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Yes you did your job
    Introduced me to new artists and music and celebrated some great oldies!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen! 🥰
      I’m very glad you weren’t disappointed!

  6. Marty & Karen

    Another excellent medley Ray.
    I am surprised and disappointed more requests weren’t submitted to you. Many times the requests are songs I haven’t heard for a long time but still enjoy them and often music that I may not have fully appreciated at the time. The ’55 to ’95 window was full of great options. Thanks again for giving us another reason to smile in the mornings.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Marty and Karen 🥰 🥰
      That window for requests is still open, but i really did get tired o asking because I never want to browbeat people. All of that said, I am so glad you two are enjoying the music and I’m very glad they create a nice start to your morning!

  7. Fred Guilmette

    Jim Ray is full of Hanky Panky!! That’s the way he has been his whole life and that’s why I liove him as one of my brothers!! Opps this should be to you Ray!! Because of my situation I will still be listening!!
    Love ya!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Fred, you ARE my brother!
      Love ya!

  8. Pat Conant

    Mr DJ did a Fine, Fine job today. Loved all these. What a loss to music were Janis Joplin and Mama Cass.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat. I still have your Wanda Jackson request and I’ll be getting to it next week! 🥰

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