Tunesday Medley!

It’s Tunesday and we have an extra long medley of memories lined up for you!

The 52-minute mix includes a pair of requests from Karen and Marty Morse (thanks, kids!), a song that was somehow a hit in 1968, the arrival of a British Invasion band in 1964, a #1 song off an epic Beatles album, four songs by artists who have left us in 2023, and a lot more in between!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

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Tunesday Medley!

Rascals – Classics IV
Pointer Sisters – CCR
Kinks – Beatles
Ohio Express – Robert Palmer
Commander Cody – Three Dog Night
Crosby & Nash – Gordon Lightfoot
Lynyrd Skynyrd

Comments (11)

  1. Marty

    I really need to think about this before commenting. LOL
    “Kids” Your have an amazing sense of your listeners.
    More later. Thanks for playing the requests Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Marty 🥰 We’re all still “kids,” at least mentally! The music keeps us young at heart and the memories these songs conjure up takes us back to a time we fondly remember. I truly appreciate your comment about me having a sense of my listeners. That made my day!


    GREAT TUNES !It’s a beautiful morning is one of my all time favorites….and I used to always get more bang for my buck at the jukebox with
    Free Bird 🙂
    Thanks Ray, Have a wonderful day:)

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Eileen! 🥰 If the music played even a small part in starting off your day, then it was worth the effort. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good Day Ray, Just been listening. Well done; the music makes me feel relaxed today. Enjoyed Karen & Marty’s requests. Had to silently chuckle when I heard Ohio Express knowing your opinion of the song & the fact you could never be a pregnant female. Commander Cody makes me think about the 45 I have that belonged to a friend who is no longer with us. I am sending some letters he wrote while in the Navy to his wife & daughter as soon as I get the address. I’ve decided to keep his record. Ted is putting the new bath room floor down in the trailer we have decided to sell. Didn’t want my help today. Ted E is here waiting for a package to be delivered. He’s got earplugs in for a game so thank you for the memories & the music. 🙂 Lee

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you,, Lee! 🥰 My favorite memory of “Yummy” was watching my then 5-year old grandson dancing all over the living room to that song … and then asking me to play it again and again.:) I’m so glad you enjoyed the music and I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Of course you had me at the opener!
    What a great and diverse medley and wonderful way to start the day
    We all need to not only listen, but sing more
    The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald is fittingly a haunting dirge
    Can’t beat that driving guitar work on Free Bird

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen! 🥰 I always look forward to your comments, and yes, we do need to sing more!

  5. Sandy Gaither

    This was grand, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I try sometimes to single things out and failed miserably, but I really did love every single one of these, and I especially enjoyed hearing, Gordon Lightfoot God rest, his soul, and Love the opener with the rascals! Played it twice. A lot of these beer listening to again. I am sitting here with one eye on the front door because I am waiting for a grocery delivery. It will be so cool to be able to do my own shopping again and be able to stand long enough to do that. Everything in due time! Thank you for this Ray, and I think I’m almost caught up. I have just wild away the day with beautiful music from Ray Lemire! And who could blame me?. Remember you’re the best! 🥰

  6. Pat Conant

    Enjoyed listening to these, even though they were a little out of my usual wheelhouse.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat 🥰 I’m glad you were open to getting a little out of your wheelhouse!

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