Smiles Are The Goal!

I’m going to go for something a little different today. One of the reasons I have stepped away from “history lessons” was the fact much of the history was depressing and that is not why I do what I do. I show up in an effort to make you smile! Today, there are 13 chances to do that and I hope at least one (hopefully more) gets the job done! 🙂

It’s a mix of songs ranging from 1958 (Jimmy Clanton) and running all the way up to 2020 (Jimmy Buffett), and there’s a particular reason for Jimmy’s song. More about that in a minute.

There are also songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, and yep, even the 90s. Why, you ask? Well, maybe you didn’t ask but if you had, I would tell you the reason why. Songs from the 50s-70s are obviously “oldies” but some songs from the 80s are forty years old, and in my book, that qualifies them as legitimate classic songs. Even songs from the 90s are over twenty-five years old. Sorry, my friends, but the days of only music from the 50s and 60s counting as oldies are long gone and hard to find. Good music is good music. Embrace it all!

Okay, more about the Buffett song. The last four songs in today’s medley are being played because the performers have died in recent months: Sinead O’Connor, Robbie Robertson (guitarist and songwriter with The Band), Buffett, and Randy Meisner (bass guitarist and vocalist with The Eagles).

By the way, if you’re wondering why there is no talking between songs, it’s because I may be the “Pilot of The Airwaves” but for now I’m trying to focus on the music. My “babbling” will be here soon enough … just as soon as you start making requests! 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Another Memories Medley

Charlie Dore – Climax Blues Band
Jimmy Clanton – Herman’s Hermits
Aretha Franklin – Elton John
Alan Parsons Project – Neil Sedaka
ZZ Top – Sinead O’Connor
The Band – Jimmy Buffett
The Eagles

Comments (16)

  1. Marty

    Mornin’ Ray, I thoroughly enjoyed today eclectic medley.
    It doesn’t matter where else you may listen you will not find this kind medley. Absolutely loved this one.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Mornin’ Marty. Thanks for the very kind words. I was a little concerned about getting out of the “usual” music routine so I appreciate the positive feedback!

  2. Fred Guilmette

    Ray loved it!! What a rest did for you!! You are still the King of the airwaves!! So sad that we have lost so many greats!!
    Love ya!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Fred! We have lost far too many people who changed our world. Next week, I will be continue looking back at more deaths this year. So glad you enjoyed this one.
      Love ya!

  3. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Thanks for taking it to the limit one more time
    Great medley and appreciate that in the memorial tributes you didn’t choose most well known songs
    Thanks for making me smile

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen. I’m so glad you enjoyed the medley. By the way, if playing only the best known material was all I did, I’d be as boring as most radio stations. Sometimes you just have to dig deep! 🙂

  4. Sandy Gaither

    This was fabulous! What more can I say? Your selections are always the best! This was such an eclectic grouping that was so appealing to me. From the intro all the way through. And just as a note I played the Eagles three times. Couldn’t get enough of that and of course, all of the others too numerous to mention. This was fabulous like I said in the beginning. Thank you Ray you are awesome! And don’t forget you’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy. I don’t blame you for playing ‘Take It To The Limit’ three times. It is my favorite Eagles song, and this live version is incredible. I’m trying to be more eclectic in this new version of me, so I’m very happy today’s medley didn’t turn you off.
      I hope (I really do) you are feeling okay today 🥰

  5. Jim Waters

    Another job well done! My favorites were the last three and a couple of the songs I don’t remember hearing before. I love it this way. I also like doing a little research about a song or two in your medleys. Loved the history behind “Weight”, which I always called Take a load off Fanny. Ha!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I’m going to be returning to those “back stories” to some of the songs, beginning next week. I think a lot of people used your “Fanny” title. It seemed only natural!:)

  6. Penny

    You knocked it out of the park (as always) – what a great medley and loved finishing with Take It To The Limit ..
    Have a good day my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny! Randy Meisner had such an amazing voice and it seemed only natural to finish with his stunning vocal on that Eagles song.
      Have a great day!

  7. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Afternoon Ray, Loved your medley start. Have some really nice pictures taken of Peter Noone taken back when Ted & I went to see him. Very nice man. His last name phonically is similar to Rose’s, hhmmm lol Was just answering an enquiry from someone who is looking for info on a relative that’s name is similar to someone in my family tree. Well the Eagles have taken it to the limit & I best hang some more clothes on the line. Thanks for the music & a good day to you 🙂 Lee

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee. Glad you enjoyed the medley opener. That has always been a favorite of mine even though a lot of people probably don’t recall it from 1979. Peter Noone doesn’t seem to be affected by his fame during the 60s. He always comes across as a very nice man. Have a great day!

  8. Pat Conant

    Enjoyed the mix today, even if I didn’t remember a couple of these. I agree with Jim, concerning the “fanny”. Love the Eagles and Take It To the Limit, is one of their best.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat 🥰
      I have been told that I should add some “newer” music to the medleys. I’m not going to do that very often but I thought I would try it on occasion.

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