Guess Who’s Back?

I gave a lot (and I mean a LOT) of thought about not returning to music medleys. I thoroughly enjoyed this break, so much so that it was difficult to come back.

When I recently asked what sources you use to listen to music, I discovered that Sirius, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon, and a few others were very popular choices. And so I asked myself, What do they need me for? If they have an inexhaustible stream of tunes, does anyone really need a 30-40 minute medley from me every day?

I still don’t know the answer to those questions, but here I am. Maybe you would be kind enough to give me your answer in the comment section or on Facebook. That would be greatly appreciated.

The interesting thing about today’s tunes (all of them from 1966) is the fact that none of them reached #1, yet they are all considered classics from that magical year.

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Classics From 1966

Paul Revere & The Raiders – Johnny Rivers
Shadows of Knight – Bob Dylan – Count Five
Standells – Hollies – Beatles
Mamas & Papas – Cyrkle – Bobby Fuller Four
Byrds – Young Rascals

Comments (20)

  1. Marty & Karen

    Mornin’Ray, while we understand you enjoying a break and the time and efforts involved in these medleys do what is best for you.
    I will tell you we are smiling and someone even broke out in dance at 6:15 am.
    Whatever the future brings we have appreciated the music medleys and the memories they evoke.
    Thank you my friend!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Marty! I did enjoy the break but now that I have put together a couple of these medleys (and I’m working on Wednesday’s right now), I’m good to go. It’s like riding a bicycle. 🙂 Hey, as long as someone was dancing at 6:15, I’m more than happy!

  2. Nancy A Garbati

    Welcome back. Loved them all. Jojo has really missed you <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I have missed Jojo and YOU

  3. Sandy Gaither

    This was so good to listen to, and I’m happy the day finally arrived. I had forgotten how much I missed listening to this music. When people talk about listening to Spotify, and SiriusXM, etc. they are listening to specialty music. This tops all of that, and always will. To know that someone took the time to sit and actually come up with a good playlist., You are always the best! Ray, thank you so much for this. I am anxious to hear what you come up with for tomorrow. I will be receiving my first chemo IV treatment and your music will make it so much easier. Thank you thank you thank you! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy! 🥰 I appreciate your explanation. It motivates me to do even more and to do it better!
      I will have you in my prayers, and I will keep you there while you continue your courageous battle. Let me finish with this…

  4. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Well here’s my 2 cents:
    So looked forward to your medley and what a pick me up on a cool rainy day
    Love Bus Stop and Midnight Hour covered by the Young Rascals, doesn’t get better than this!
    Yes I can stream on Spotify, but the music of my youth is what I stream, but without your commentary and passion for the music
    Know this is a labor of love…thanks for spreading the joy and welcome back until whenever
    You had me from the first note

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen! Anyone who appreciates the Young Rascals cover version of “Midnight Hour” is a gem! I know you are a fan of the commentary that goes with these songs, but I made my decision to come back at the last moment and decided to focus on the music this week. I will be back to my “babbling” self next week! 🙂


    I can’t tell you what a wonderful surprise this was for my Monday morning! Thanks so much! You are very much appreciated 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Eileen! I’m so glad you were pleased! 🙂

  6. Jim

    It is hard to find anything even close to what you do on those music sources that you listed. I can’t imagine finding any source of music that would play Secret Agent by Johnny Rivers and Red Rubber Ball by Cyrkle! How would I even think of how to look for these songs?

    On most of the stuff that I have found there might be only a couple dozen songs that are truly popular among a majority of listeners. For playlists and stations playing mostly older music, there might be a few hundred titles that are popular and familiar enough to be reliable.

    Even if you do play something that I don’t know, it’s surrounded by songs I do know, or that more importantly I remember again.
    Thus, the name “Memory Medleys”!

    The work and background that is involved in what you do is truly invaluable to me.

    Most importantly, in my mind, is; do you remember why Mom’s cooking was always better than anyone can make the same dish for you again? …

    It’s because of the LOVE that is added in the cooking. That is why I listen!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Jim, thank you for an amazing commentary! I’m not sure I deserve such praise but I do sincerely thank you. The Mom analogy hit me right where I live!

  7. Peter Means


    Your selections and commentary are very unique and can be found nowhere else. You are a treasure that can’t be replaced for our era! I do understand that it can be grind to do this on a daily basis, when we are supposed to be “retired”! And I encourage you to take regular breaks so you don’t “burn out”” Your gift to us is so precious. You are an amazing Icon!!! Keep on keeping on, as long as you enjoy it! Pete

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Pete, you are much, much too kind! I promise the commentary will be back (big time!) next week. For now, I hope listeners just enjoy the songs!

  8. Penny

    Ray … Loved it and always love your music medleys as well as your history lessons and always will!!! I may not always comment or acknowledge but know I listen to or read them all!!
    All of those music platforms are nice BUT they are not personal .. you, my friend are personal. You pick great songs that bring back memories to everyone who listens as well as throw your comments in there on the set for the day or specific songs or artists that you can NOT get from any of those platforms. Even if you decide to “retire” from sharing everything you do .. always remember that YOU have touched many lives and never asked for one thing in return!
    As Pete said above …. “keep on keeping on as long as you enjoy it”
    Rock on my friend and have a great day!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny! I truly appreciate your very kind comments. I know there will be days when the music doesn’t move you but there’s always the next day! 😉
      I had given a lot of thought to retiring but now that I’m back, I will heed Pete’s advice and “enjoy it.”

  9. Pat Conant

    Amen to everything said above. I love to hear the back stories to the music, and the memories shared by all the listeners. Today was a great pick-me-up, on a dreary rainy day. Hope you do whatever makes you happy, Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat! I promise that once I get reacquainted with the old tools (and the new ones, too), I will once again be giving you the back stories (a/k/a “babbling”) to many of the songs! 🙂

  10. Rosa-Lee Gould

    It’s Tuesday & I’m going to try this again. Yesterday I decided to answer your question “What do they need me for?” I gave it a lot of thought because I think the choice should be yours & I shouldn’t try to influence you because I like you & respect your choices. But, I have always let other people’s preferences come 1st including what I listen to for music so I actually enjoy & own different types of music. I had never heard you & Rose DJ together as I moved from Spld. in 1969 & my 1st husband only listened to country tho he did like Elvis unlike my 1st boyfriend. My Mother told me at an early age that I could not sing but I have always loved music. I hear melodies in my mind & hum when I’m working some times. I was single 1976-1985 so I started listen to 8-tracks with music I liked including the Woodstock tape. Ted became a musician playing for the 1st time at our wedding & another gig that nite. (He had bought a bass & amp a month before.) Music was then whatever the bands’ set list was. I started listening to your musical medleys on Facebook fairly early, I think. For me the music was memories from my past & it was my music. Something I wanted to listen to not what Ted chose. Ted chose the radio stations, still does & the upgraded music systems that he & his son used I don’t use. At 1st I would listen to your selections when I was home alone since I usually use my computer without sound & Ted uses his with. Then I started asking Ted if he would like to listen & started adding his name to my comments when he did. Listening to your medleys was my choice & something I could share. Besides who else would figure out who sang about the “little blue man” or the name of a past DJ at Poultney College. My orchid room now houses my 8-tracks, some cassettes (most are downstairs with the CD’s), albums (probably 1000+) & 45’s. I have older equipment to play all of the above mentioned. The 8-tracks, cassettes, CD’s are alphabetized by artist or title if a compilation. Same with albums but need to redo the 3 areas into 1 & I have gathered all the 45’s in the same area. My music is no longer packed away. You & Rose were very kind when I went back to class reunions & I have bragging rights now that I know 2 of Spld’s best past DJ’s. I bought the CD with the song “Rosalee” that I had never heard of ’til you told me about it but my favorite song you’ve played that I hadn’t heard was “Vincent.” So for people like me I would say we need you because you care about the music, you care about the people who listen, the history, the memories & there is always something to make us smile. We care because you care 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Lee, I am truly touched by your comments. Rose and I had an amazing time at WCFR. It was a blessing because it was our hometown and we found numerous ways to help. A lot of people, including my mother, thought the show was scripted but it was all improvised. “Heather” and I had such natural chemistry. I frankly believe Rose doesn’t get anywhere close to the praise she deserves for our time there. It was a team effort and it worked because we both cared so, so much for our listeners and our hometown! I have tried to continue my concern for those who do tune in to the medleys by adding back stories and occasional commentary.
      Thank you again! ❤

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