FriYay Rock Party!

It’s FriYay and this is the one day of the week that I revert back to a “theme” for the medley.

That means you’ve wandered into a no-holds barred rock and roll party … 14 songs in 44 minutes! If this doesn’t get you moving, well, I give up! 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back on Monday with a special Halloween medley!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

FriYay Rock and Roll Party

Bobby Rydell – CCR
Ad Libs – Beatles
Joe Cocker – Elvis Presley
Blue Swede – Fireballs
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Bob Dylan
Fabulous Thunderbirds – ELO
Cat Mother & The All Night Newsboys
Grand Funk


Comments (18)

  1. Jim Waters

    Now, there you go! You nailed it Ray! That’s the real radio thing that I’m remembering. What a great song mix this Friday.

    Keep on blathering! (Now a new endearment term). Blathering was always welcome. It was advertising that we really didn’t like.

    “Blathering without advertising”. Perhaps new song lyrics?

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Jim! I am proud to say that in the entire 17-year history of this site, I have never accepted any advertising. I didn’t have that option when I worked in radio because ads were necessary to maintain a profit. I have run in the red every year but that was a conscious decision … and I don’t regret it!
      Oh, and I shall continue to blather. 🙂

  2. Mary Helen Hawthorne

    Well ramalama ding dong
    Never heard of Cat Mother, but what a great selection…snippets of so many great 50s numbers all rolled into one
    Happy FriYay this definitely rocked!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Mary Helen, I am so glad you enjoyed it! 🥰
      Cat Mother’s song was a #29 hit in 1969, and was produced by none other than Jimi Hendrix!

  3. Nancy Lancour

    Thanks for the FriYay start. I leave on a cruise tomorrow and it will depend on how good the Wifi is, so I may have to wait till I get back on the 5th to listen in to the ones for next week. Thanks and have a great day and week to follow. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy ❤️
      I know the cruise won’t feel the same, but I sure hope you have a wonderful time. ❤️❤️

  4. Sandra Gaither

    Golly gee! This is what I call a rock ‘n’ roll Friday party!! Where do I begin, oh my gosh Bobby Rydell forgotten all about him! Love CCR. Then we have Elvis and the Beatles Joe Cocker and Bob Dylan. And I must say that this was a smashing medley, and I have listened to it twice. It has really lifted me up I was feeling a little down at the beginning just due to starting another medication. But I feel great, and I think rock and roll is my medicine!! Thank you so much Ray! And I especially loved all of your headliners, and comments! Made me feel like I was sitting listening to my radio with my favorite DJ! Keep it up it’s great. And remember, you’re the best! 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy 🥰
      I’m very happy the music helped your mood. That’s the way is supposed to be, especially on a FriYay! Keep on smiling!
      If it makes you feel better, I take 10 different prescriptions in the morning and 7 more in the evening.

      1. Sandra Gaither

        The music is my medicine! All kinds of music actually I can listen to. But as far as prescriptions go, I am now up to eight in the morning, and five in the evening. I’ve almost got up with you. Hey my theory is, whatever it takes! If it makes me feel good and makes me functional and I can remain a happy person that I am passing that onto you and hoping that your medicine is doing these medleys and getting the kudos from everyone who is so appreciative. And I know I couldn’t thank you enough!❤️❤️

        1. Ray (Post author)

          The number of pills I take each day doesn’t bother me. When I wake up in the morning, I am grateful for another day. If the medleys keep you happy, then I’m happy. ❤️❤️

  5. Fred

    Ray I’m working on my golf cart and I am all Rydelled up!! Feels like I am listening to the old WCFR days!! And I am enjoying the way you are Abs Libing!! Lord almighty you got my temperature rising!! I was going to say something about Fireballs but I think you would Skynyard me alive and I swear I don’t have a bottle of wine!! I feel Fabulous maybe the Thunderbirds got together with the Cat Mother!! I almost feel like I am back in 1966..I almost feel like I could stay up all night!! But I think the News boys will get in a Funk!! Speaking of blathering(my new favorite word)I think Jim will let me know if I Balter to much.. but Ray I am tuff enough!!
    Love ya have a great weekend to all of us !!
    Heck ya it is time to chair dance!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Fred!
      Excellent, excellent, excellent!The Ad Libs could have done a song about you as a follow up to their hit and called it The Boy From Springfield, VT!
      I don’t think Jim (or anyone) will ever think you blather too much!
      Love Ya and I hope Nancy and you have a wonderful weekend!

    2. Pat Conant

      Hey, Fred, you had me laughing out loud today, but I am wondering if instead of a bottle of wine, you had a bottle of fireball? And also, hope you are wearing your blue swede shoes while you are dancing!

      1. Ray (Post author)

        Fred is a dangerously funny guy, that’s for sure, Pat. 🥰

  6. Rosa-Lee Gould/Lee


    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee. A smile is all that was needed. 🥰

  7. Pat Conant

    Had a tiring day today and when I got home, I listened to this rocking medley. Loved it all, so thanks & hope you have a great weekend, Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat 🥰
      I’m glad the music helped balance your day! I hope you have a very restful weeknd! 🙂

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