Happy FriYAY!

TGIF! Yes, another FriYAY has rolled around and as we always do on this day, it’s a steady dose of rock and roll to get your weekend started on a high note (pun intended)!

This one doesn’t have any rock “anthems” or “epic” songs, but it is filled with unforgettable (high energy) rock songs from the 50s, 60s and 70s.

I hope somewhere along the way, you hear a special memory (or more) that is so vivid, you feel like it happened yesterday. That is, of course, what this site is all about.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Happy FriYAY!

Bill Haley with His Comets – Easybeats
Dave Clark Five – Elvis Presley
Fleetwood Mac – Stevie Wonder
Beatles – Loggins & Messina
The Who – Byrds

Comments (11)

  1. Fred

    So you have started us off on a comet than you give us some Easybeats then you put us in pieces!! My toes are tapping oh now You put us in jail!! Ok I give up I’ll rock!! I guess Fleetwood Mac is not a breakfast sandwich! I Wonder what’s next?? I have a suspicion that I will be hearing from some kind of Beatle next!! So next you want us to Loggin to a Messina!! Is this because my mama doesn’t rock and roll daddy does! The Who wants to know about my generation Ray I think that question is for the Byrds!! So if you don’t mind I will go back to char dancin!! And don’t worry I will always be your friend!! Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Fred, just when I think you can’t top yourself, you do it again! I do believe you’re getting more creative each and every day. Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
      Love Ya!

    2. Pat Conant

      Outstanding today, Fred!

  2. Nancy Garbati

    An awesome way to start the weekend. Happy FriYAY to you too, have a great weekend and as always, thank you. <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Happy FryYAY to you, dear Nancy. ❤
      Be safe this weekend and know that you continue to be in my prayers every single day.

  3. Penny S Capron

    OMG .. so needed this. I have listened to all medleys, just not sure which ones I have commented on .. sorry about that, has been a very rough and long week.
    Note only are these all great songs but they helped me keep my eyes open as I try to finish out my last workday of the week.
    You have a wonderful weekend and hope you dry out!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny. 🥰
      If the songs kept you moving ahead, I am more than pleased!
      By the way, I know you listen every day. Every. Day.
      Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! ❤

  4. Pat Conant

    We sure are rocking today-great songs as usual. Have a great weekend, Ray

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Pat. 🥰
      Although the songs rocked today, I hope the weekend is peaceful and relaxing!

  5. Sandra Gaither

    I waited until today to listen to this, I’ve been a bit distracted with the mass shooting that we had here in Raleigh! But I put that all aside because I am just listening at the loudest volume that I dare. some of these songs are so fabulous, and bring back so many memories. Great selection and great way to end up the week. Tops in my book! Loved all of it! I actually even got up and danced around a little bit with Bill Haley and the Comets. Thanks Ray you’re the best 🥰

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Sandy. 🥰
      I’m sure the terrible events in Raleigh are weighing on your mind. There doesn’t appear to be anyplace safe. I am glad the music helped you and I’m sure Mr. Haley enjoyed his dance with you!

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