The Medleys Are Back!

Over the past weekend, I asked you to suggest songs you wanted to hear from the 60s and 70s. I was, quite frankly, very surprised (and pleased) with the number of responses I received.
I already had three days of medleys prepared before I posted that question. I will be playing those medleys for the next three days, but on Thursday, September 15, I will begin playing your requests … for as many days as it takes.

If you were born in the late 1940s or early 1950s, the songs in today’s medley should (hopefully) bring back some memories.

Every one of these songs were being played on the radio on September 12, 1964, and they were all in the Top 40. By the way, in a recent poll, most listeners wanted the medleys to last 30 minutes or more, while a lot preferred 20-30 minutes. This one splits the difference at 29 minutes. 🙂

Oh, and if you were born in the late 1950s or later, this, boys and girls, is what real music sounded like. This is old school. There was no such thing as Auto-Tune because these singers had the talent to do it on their own!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

September 1964 Medley

Lesley Gore – Manfred Mann – Elvis Presley
Gale Garnett – Supremes
Drifters – Gerry & The Pacemakers
Shangri-Las – Dave Clark Five
Beatles – Animals

Comments (16)

  1. Nancy A Garbati

    Jojo says, welcome back…I missed the music to dance to every morning when mommy and I woke up <3 <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy (and Jojo) ❤️
      I hope the music put you both in a wonderful frame of mind.
      Rock The Day!

  2. Marty Marty

    Ah the memories, sure missed listening to a new medley in the mornings (you have spoiled us). We hope you got some rest and are doing well Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Marty. It’s good to be back. I hope all is well with Karen and you!

  3. Penny S Capron

    OMG … what a great medley … have missed these and missed you my friend! Love them all but I think my favorite is We’ll sing in the sunshine!!!
    Will listen to again however many times throughout the day after I take a stupid class .. ugh!!
    Even though you are back just make sure to take care of yourself as well .. we all love you!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny ❤️
      I’m doing fine. I actually feel better being back at “work” because the time off was getting just a little boring.
      Remember to sing in the sunshine, and singing on cloudy days works very well, too!

  4. Fred

    Wow welcome back!! Holy do wa ditty!! Lesley Gore!! Now that’s a ways back!! Feeling little better Ray and this picked me up!! I think I am going to go out and sing in the sunshine!! Under the Boardwalk is one of my all time favorites!! I know how you do it to me… you read my mind and then you do your magic!! You know Ray the things you do makes me feel alright!! This Animal is so glad you are back!! Love ya

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sir Fred, but you are supposed to be listening … and nothing more!
      I’m glad you’re feeling better but don’t overdo it.
      Love Ya!

  5. Sandy Gaither

    I just spent the happiest 30 minutes in a while. This was fantastic I absolutely loved every single selection. I certainly have my favorites like everyone, but the range is so very different. Loving all music I guess, is what makes us be the way we are. I loved “We’ll Sing in the Sunshine “. Could you hear me singing along in my sunshine? And of course I loved hard days night, who doesn’t love the Beatles! I also have a passion for under the boardwalk, always have. But for you to end this on an animals tune that we all know, “House of the Rising Sun “. Well of course I was just belting that out! Perhaps my neighbors could even hear me. I am so happy that you are back, and I do hope that you got lots and lots of rest. No one knows how important that is more than I at the moment. Recently on a check up by the vascular nurse, after my surgery, I had asked a question, and she went and got my doctor to come in. The cardiologist, in all his rare form with the fist bump upon entry. I think he was left speechless when I asked him if I could start vacuuming in the house! He said you need to get someone else to do that you’re supposed to be resting. While I do rest, and I will be listening to this medley again today and maybe a third time who knows. This was fantastic as always you do such a wonderful job. Thank you Ray, you are the best!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy ❤️
      Listen to your doctor! If necessary, I can always hop on a plane and come down to take care of the vacuuming. 🙂
      I am so glad you enjoyed the music … and I heard you singing! 😉

  6. Donna Tillson-Bass

    Welcome back! I am glad you took the time off for you! You and the medleys have been missed! I certainly needed this this morning. The medleys give me something to look forward to, which is really needed at the moment! Thank you, for all that you do! <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Donna ❤️
      If the music helped, I am glad I came back when I did. 🙂
      I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to comment. It means a lot to me.

  7. Mary Helen

    Glad you’re back and I trust feelin alright!
    Thought I was 14 again blaring my radio…
    It’s probably an anathema to some, but had no recollection of the Elvis hit
    Thanks for the memories

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Mary Helen 🥰
      Memories of blring your radio is exactly what these medleys are supposed to bring back.
      That “unknown” Elvis song reached #16 in 1964. Admittedly it was not one of his biggest hits but I figured, what the heck!

  8. Pat Conant

    1964 was a big year for me-graduated high school and started my first year at UVM. Oh, what memories in these songs. I haven’t heard “I’ll Sing in the Sunshine” in a long time, and “Under the Boardwalk” has always been a favorite. So happy to have you back, Ray!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat 🥰
      I always think of you when I play songs from 1964 because I know how much that year meant to you. It is very good to be back!

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