Meet The Beatles … Again

This was the album American teenagers were listening to the day before The Beatles made their American debut on The Ed Sullivan Show the following night.

Released on January 20, 1964, Meet The Beatles was at the top of the Billboard albums chart in less than a month and remained at number one for eleven weeks, when it was replaced by The Beatles’ Second Album on May 2.
Meet The Beatles sold over 4 million copies in 1964, a figure that was, at that time, simply phenomenal. Before this album was released, the teenage market had been predominantly singles. But with the arrival of The Beatles, hearing a song or two on a 45 was no longer enough to satisfy teenage ears. The record album industry as a whole was transformed with the release of this record … played here in its entirety.

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

‘Meet The Beatles’

Comments (12)

  1. Wendyl

    I was so young when I first met the Beatles but I remember listening to music with you as some of my earliest memories. I can picture you as the boy in this pic you chose, listening and having something come alive inside you. This was a Fab medley! Thanks for raising me to be a Beatle Baby Forever!
    🙂 XOXOXOXO 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Wendyl ❤️
      I was 13 when the Beatles arrived so that little boy does represent you know who 🙂
      I absolutely inundated you with Beatles music at a very young age. I’m grateful you didn’t resent me for it because you are now and forever my Beatle baby! ❤️

  2. Lee Lloyd

    Hi Ray. So wonderful to meet someone who loves the Beatles like I do. I was 13 in 1963 when it all started. Perfectly placed.

    I am reading Paul’s amazing ‘The Lyrics’ and wanted to share something Paul said in the text. He was discussing songwriting and said that he and John composed with guitars. They would sit facing each other – John right-handed and Paul left-handed. Said it was like looking into a mirror.

    Took my breath away.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Lee 🙂
      It is very nice to know there is someone else who enjoys the Beatles as much as I do. Paul has stated before that he and John wrote “nose to nose” back in the beginning, but I really like the “looking into a mirror” line.

  3. Sandy Gaither

    This was so cool to listen to. I don’t think I’ve listened to this album for many years, good thing is I could sing with almost every single song and know the words. What a treat! I’ve always loved the Beatles going back to when I first knew of them. They certainly did open up the music industry to a whole new rock era, and thank God they did. I am sure that like most Beatles fans we will all be entertained by them forever, as they have just left an indelible mark that will not ever be erased by any other group. They are unmatchable not just in music, but charisma forthrightness and presence! Thanks Ray for giving us this perfect medley!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Sandy, you have done it again with another wonderful commentary! ❤️
      The Beatles certainly changed my life, along with millions of other music fans. Their music will never fade away.
      Thank you again!

  4. fred

    Ray they sure did inspire alot of us garage bands to get better!! And the lyrics made so much sense for the time!! I remember we won a battle of bands doing Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds as it was a really hard song to do we each had a job to do just to get the sound!! Not much to say as they were the best and probally always will be!! I must say George was my favorite and I think you feel the same way!! Stay warm love ya!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Fred 🙂
      You were in one of the best garage bands I ever heard so if The Beatles inspired your band, you all listened very well. I don’t know where we all would have been without them.
      40 degrees here today!
      Love Ya!

  5. Terry Brusco

    Loved,loved,loved listening to your Beatles medley!
    A real treat!
    Thank you, Ray!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank YOU for listening, Terry 🥰

  6. Penny

    great medley, listened to a couple of times today! How can you go wrong with the Fab4!! The Beatles were such trailblazers and set a path for many who have followed thru the years!!
    Their music will definitely stand the test of time long after we are all gone!
    Have a good night my friend and stay safe and warm!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I don’t think you can go wrong with the Beatles, Penny 🥰
      I know the impact they had on my life was immeasurable … and I’m not alone.
      We reached 40 degrees today. Felt like a heat wave!
      Stay Safe, darlin’ 🥰

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