Ten From 1968

There was, to be sure, trouble in the air during 1968. The assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. The riots at the Democratic Convention in Chicago. U.S. athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their black-gloved fists in a recognized salute to the Black Power movement at the Summer Olympics. The riots in London and “Bloody Monday” in Paris.

There was, however, incredible music in 1968; so much great music that I decided to end the week with 10 songs from that tumultuous year … because music was one thing that held us all together.

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

Ten From 1968

Simon & Garfunkel – Beatles – Bee Gees
Doors – Donovan – Animals
Rolling Stones – Jimi Hendrix Experience
The Who – Steppenwolf

Comments (10)

  1. Sandy Gaither

    I must’ve been out to lunch in 1968, I don’t really recognize a lot of these. Course I was in the throes of raising two small children, and they were probably my primary targets during the day and night! This was a terribly tragic time in our country I do remember there was so much strife constantly getting bad news. So the whole theme of music holding us all together and keeping us going certainly true.Music has always been the universal language, but everyone can understand and appreciate. Thank you so much for this Ray! Have a great weekend and stay warm.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Sandy 🥰
      It was the best of times (musically). It was the worst of times (politically). At the end of 1968, I was living in Los Angeles and the lifestyle was a lot different than it had been in my small town in Vermont. We all thought love was the answer to all the world’s problems. Turns out the politicians felt something entirely different.

      1. Donna

        Some things haven’t changed much! Love is the answer but it can’t happen here on earth…
        1968, an ending and a beginning in a 17 year old girls life.
        Thanks for the memories.

        1. Ray (Post author)

          Thanks, Donna 🥰
          As long as you keep love in your heart, there is always the chance it may spread. Don’t give up hope!

  2. Hawthorne Mary Helen

    Nice to hear lesser known tunes by these great artists
    That was a good year 🎉

    1. Ray (Post author)

      It was a very good year, my dear. 🥰

  3. Penny

    Great medley from a turbulent time for our country. A few I know and a few I am unfamiliar with. I still say the 60’s into the 70’s had some of the best music.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny. You’re right, the 60s and 70s can’t be beat! 🥰

  4. Rosa-Lee Gould/Lee

    Happy Saturday 🙂 While listening to the music yesterday I lost it part way through. Wasn’t happy with myself especially since 1968 was such a turning point/time in lives. Listening today I realize I was further along in yesterdays music than I realized so got to enjoy most of it twice SO I doubled my pleasure, doubled my fun. Added a commercial before todays music. It seemed to fit.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Happy Saturday to you, Lee! 🥰
      1968 was, for people like you and me, an essential turning point. We witnessed the lows and the highs, and I’d like to think we became better for all of it.
      And the music wasn’t half bad, either. 😉

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