Celebrating George

On what would have been his 78th birthday, we are paying tribute to George Harrison with a repeat of a 10-song medley of his solo material which we ran last year.

Some of these songs will be very familiar to his fans; others not as much, but whether you recognize them or not, they are but a small glimpse into the musical genius of a man once considered to be so much of a “lightweight” as a writer that his efforts to find his way onto Beatles’ albums were repeatedly dismissed.

The medley begins with the final song George ever recorded (just two months before his death), and it concludes with the final song on his last album; a song that ends with a haunting chant delivered so smoothly in tandem with his son, Dhani, that you’d swear it was just one voice.

In between those two epic songs, you’ll hear his first #1 single (the first of The Beatles to do that) and his final #1 (the last member of the group to do that) and much, much more.

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

The George Harrison Medley

Comments (8)

  1. Wendyl

    Ahh…this was great! Glad you switched it up in order to focus on his special day! Loved all the pics in the collage and, of course, all the songs!!! Fun fact: I knew one of my co workers used to be a airline stewardess back in her younger days. What I learned yesterday is she met and spoke with George on a flight to London! She somehow didn’t realize who he was and he seemed to enjoy that and when she went back to her station, everyone was quietly flipping out and asking what they talked about. She said he told her she had nice legs, lol. 🙂 XOXOXOXO 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Wendyl ❤️
      What a great story! That has to be one sweet memory for your co-worker ❤️
      Have a great day and remember…
      If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!

  2. Don Doyle

    Good Morning, Ray,
    I also like the pictures , nice work. I bet if you and I rummaged through old photos we could make an interesting set that would rival anything you might see at the Post Office.
    Well on to the music. I like that you decided to focus on George’s solo work. I love his Beatles stuff but when he struck out on his own he really began to shine. I enjoy how his work is so “busy”. He tells a story, and it usually is a long story. The man has something to say. Also, as an acknowledged guitarist he is confident enough to not put it in your face constantly. He is able to put it in the background. Still amazing but under played, a part of whole song… Masterful. The lyrics, I love ‘em! With regard to your quote in response to Wendy, he knew where he was going and he took us there. As for me, I sure enjoyed the journey.
    Happy Birthday, George and thank you for sharing you gift with all of us. Ray, thank you for putting this set together, I know it was a labor of love but it was still labor and I for one appreciate your efforts. Today we are truly Rocking On!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Don.
      For a man who was all too often considered a “lyrical lightweight” (especially by his bandmates), George Harrison wrote some very incredible songs. Yes, he wrote several great songs with the Beatles but he really did blossom after the group split. “The biggest break in my career was getting into the Beatles. The second biggest break since then is getting out of them.
      He did know where he was going and he wasn’t hesitant to share his feelings with us. Fame was never his ultimate goal but his relationship with God was.
      At death, you’re going to be needing some spiritual guidance and some kind of inner knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical world… it’s what’s inside that counts.

  3. Victoria Doyle

    Thoroughly enjoyed this set today! Nice to hear some familiar tunes and be introduced into some new ones! I had forgotten about George Harrison and will be listening to him more often now. 🙂

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Victoria 🙂
      He was, hands down, my favorite Beatle as well as my favorite solo member of the band after they dissolved. I’m so glad you enjoyed the medley, especially some of the material you weren’t yet familiar with.
      P.S. Your Dad Rocks 🙂

  4. Penny

    great set by a great musician, like you said he was underrated as most of the focus was on Paul and John. Had a rough night and day today on almost no sleep .. now off to bed. Have a nice evening Ray!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny.
      Get some sleep, young lady ❤️

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