A Rock and Roll Christmas

Over the years, rock and roll artists have temporarily set aside their usual music to celebrate the holiday season.

This nine-song selection doesn’t come close to covering it all but it’s a nice (I think) sample of their efforts.

So Rock On and Ho Ho Ho. 🙂

Christmas Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

A Rock and Roll Christmas Medley

Beach Boys – Hall & Oates – Ronettes
Leon Redbone & Dr. John – The Chipmunks
Elvis Presley – Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Queen – Neil Sedaka

Comments (16)

  1. Victoria PierceMulliss

    I have to save to listen to later but I am excited to listen to the whole play list, I skipped to listen to those crazy chipmunks lol, thank you for putting together another great list…

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Victoria
      I hope the rest of the medley is equally as enjoyable for you as the Chipmunks were. 🙂

  2. Don Doyle

    Good Morning; Ray. Snow yesterday and some great classic Rock tunes this morning, Christmas is most definitely coming! I think The Beach Boys have released more Christmas music then any other Rock group. They always do a great job. Nice to hear Philly guys Hall & Oates represented. The Ronettes, wow they really put their own original take on everything they do don’t they? The Phil Spector Christmas album got a lot of play in my house growing up. My brothers & I loved all of the song on that album, both the standards and the originals. What a duo Leon & Dr John make! Two unique, original voices coming together for Christmas. I love the snowman Leon from Elf! What a nice surprise that was, it really looked just like him, but heavier of course. The Chipmunks still amuse kids of all ages. Elvis, Elvis, Elvis it would not be Christmas without him. Tom Petty does a great job with his original song, miss him. The Neil Sedaka was a nice surprise, I don’t remember ever hearing that one.
    Thank you Ray for helping all of us get into the Christmas spirit. Rock on.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Don. I wish there was more time before Christmas because there are SO many great songs I could still play. Next week, I’ll start playing more of the traditional songs we all grew up with and I’m afraid some of the “fun” stuff is going to fall by the wayside.
      It’s a no-win situation. While starting before December 14 would have made it easier to fit more songs in, I always worry about driving people mad with Christmas music too soon.
      Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂
      ROCK ON, BRO!

  3. Barbara Brill

    Ray – you never cease to amaze me … you are always looking for ways to bring music into our hearts to lighten the load ….

    Love listening to these Christmas songs as the day starts and we watch the snow fall. It is truly Christmas …. reminding us what the season is all about!

    Rock this snow covered Day my friend — be safe!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Barbara. 🙂
      Even though playing these songs is fun, I can assure you next week’s medleys will be what this season is truly all about.
      As for the snow (and there is too much of it), I am headed outside to tackle the first storm of the year!

      1. Barbara Brill

        be careful out there – there is over two feet at our house and no sign of letting up!

        1. Ray (Post author)

          I finished the first attempt an hour or so ago. I’m going back out in 45 minutes. It is “supposed” to stop in another 5 hours. Stay Safe!

  4. Wendyl

    Your wonderful medleys always fill us up with what we need. You are spreading the good feelings of Christmas Spirit. This has been a hard year for so many, too many and it’s tricky to feel the warmth and hope of the season. Many are missing family and other human connections. Many are struggling financially and with hopelessness. These songs, as always, are keeping us connected and providing hope to us all. You have always made Christmas a special time of the year for me for as long as I can remember. And though this year will feel different in many ways, these medleys bring back all the memories (so many wonderful memories) and keep them alive along with hope for the future. Thank you for all of it! XOXOXOXO

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Wendyl, you raise so many good points. This will be a Christmas like no other but we must hang onto hope. That is where the spirit of Christmas comes into play. We can get through these hard times if we stay connected to those we love.
      The medleys are a small consolation but it is the one way I can reach out to others.
      STAY SAFE! ❤️

  5. Penny

    Great Medley again ….. not surprised! To say we have had lean times over the years is an understatement. So glad our kids were gracious and didn’t complain when there wasn’t much for Christmas ………. Music and pretty Christmas lights have always lifted my spirits as I think they do for so many!! Thank you Ray and stay safe and warm!!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Penny ❤️
      Lifting spirits is what I’m trying to do 🙂

  6. Nancy Perrin

    Tasty Christmas song choices and without the calories. 🙂

    You’re already having an amazing snow season there while we now have a wet ground here in California. (Much needed.)
    Stay safe and thanks again, Ray. Made my morning.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Nancy. I’m glad today’s trip down Memory Lane put a smile on your face. 🙂

  7. Donna

    Have I said how much I love Christmas music? All of it! Today’s medley is awesome! Love this version of Frosty! And the Chimpmunks…I want a hula hoop! Elvis always put a unique touch on songs we already loved. New to me, Tom Petty and Queen. I especially liked the Queen song, kinda of fits these times. And so does Sedaka’s…as the whole world is sharing suffering and sorrow, let us share the joy, peace and promise of Christmas!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Donna.
      The Sedaka song was, in my opinion, the perfect way to end the medley.

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