A Grown Up Christmas

Christmas is only five days away so I think it’s time to begin focusing on the more traditional side of holiday music.

Not all of these songs will bring back memories of Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole or Perry Como (those are coming later this week) but today’s artists, better known for playing rock and roll hits, deliver quite nicely the true spirit of the season.

And the last song? Well, no one can play Christmas music in a bombastic style like the Trans-Siberian Orchestra!

Christmas Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

Grown Up Christmas Medley

John & Yoko with The Harlem Community Choir
America – Four Seasons – Temptations
Bob Seger – Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Comments (6)

  1. Don Doyle

    Good morning Ray. What a beautiful start to Sunday. John and Yoko created an instant classic with this song and deservedly so. A simple song with a simple message. America’s sweet harmonies, Frankie Valie’s distinctive voice and the Temptations all sincerely convey the spirit of the season. Bob Seger shows us he can turn it down and still have that earnest quality to his voice. Where did Trans-Siberian ever come from? They appeared and took over as the instrumental champions of Christmas music.
    Today’s collection of tunes is just wonderful Ray. A perfect way to start a Sunday. Thank you for setting the tone of the season.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Don.
      I’m very happy you enjoyed it. I thought it was time to get down to it and focus on the “songs of the season”. John seemed like a logical choice to start it and Bob Seger’s song is a classic.
      Trans-Siberian came along and sort of blew Mannheim Steamroller out of the way to claim the title of instrumental champions. I always enjoyed Mannheim (and still do) but the sheer power of Trans-Siberian is amazing.

      I’ll change it up a bit today…
      PEACE, BRO

  2. Wendyl

    I have no doubt your music is helping others experience the memories of Christmases past. Get togethers and celebrations are on hold this year at a time when we are missing each other more than ever, feeling isolated more than ever. The familiar tunes (be it kids, country, traditional, instrumental…all of it) bring back some feeling of normalcy and soothes us during this strange time. Speaking for myself, I know this is true. Thank you for the music and the Christmas memories. I look forward to making more once this is over! Much love to My Daddy, My Santa XOXOXOXO

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Wendyl ❤️
      I hope the music has helped in some small way during this difficult year.
      Yes, there are many memories still to create in the future.
      Santa ❤️

  3. Barbara Brill

    Haven’t listened to each day yet Ray but hope to get back to them all as the music is, as Wendy mentioned, soothing in so many ways. I think we each reflect on others more than ourselves at this time of year and that makes us feel good even when we don’t realize it. I have been extremely lucky to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra three times when they performed in Manchester. The music and show they provide is outstanding … what everyone may not realize is they give 10% of the proceeds from each show they perform to a local non profit. As I worked for non-profits most of my life I know how significant that donation is and what it does.

    Another medley of music to fill our soul with Ray …. and I think this year our soul needs filling! Thank you my friend …. looking forward to Bing, Nat and Perry! Rock the Day Mr. Music Man!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Barbara, every single one of your comments always puts a big smile on my face … Always

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