The Weekend Starts Now!

No requested medley today. I was feeling inspired and came up with this 30-minute “let’s get the weekend started” blast of rock and roll.

I didn’t stick with one particular year. Hell, I didn’t even stay with a single decade. I just wandered through the massive collection of songs (over 45,000 of them) in my database.

Most of the songs should be familiar to you but if a few are “I’ve never heard that one before” songs, look at it this way. You just discovered something new! πŸ™‚
Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

The Weekend Is Here Medley

Norman Greenbaum – Raiders – Belmonts
Guess Who – Crickets – Sly & The Family Stone
Stevie Wonder – Stealers Wheel – Mystics
Kinks – Robert Plant & Alison Krauss

Comments (8)

  1. Don Doyle

    Well Ray, you sure have gone all eclectic on me this morning. Jumping all over the place to keep me on my toes. I must admit you did a fine job.
    Norman Greenbaum always has a positive effect on me. It’s a shame he liked chicken farming more than singing.
    You got me with the Belmonts today, I don’t remember that song at all. A nice surprise.
    Buddy Holley is timeless and enjoyable each time I hear him.
    Sly of course wants us all to dance. On this song he is less frantic than usual. I. Like him with more energy.
    I know you put the Kinks in here toward the end to see if I was paying attention. Well I was and thank you.
    Who would have ever thought to pair Robert Plant with Allison Krauss? Not me but it sure works.
    Thanks Ray, I hope you enjoy the weekend.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Don πŸ™‚
      First things first. I DID plant that Kinks song near the end just for you. I can’t believe you picked up on that. πŸ˜‰
      Greenbaum was a true product of the 60s. He never cared about being a star and you’re right, he did love his farming.
      That Belmonts song was their last Top 40 hit (#28 in 1962).
      Can you begin to imagine how big Buddy would have been if not for that plane crash?
      I came very close to including ‘Dance To The Music’ for Sly … probably should have.
      Plant & Krauss nailed that old Everly Brothers song!
      Warning … It’s a mellow Neil Diamond medley on Sunday πŸ™‚

      1. Don Doyle

        Thanks for the warning. I’m taking Sunday off.

        1. Ray (Post author)

          I knew you would πŸ˜‰

  2. Wendyl

    This was so helpful today! It charged me in the morning and gave me the lift I needed in the afternoon. I discovered and enjoyed 2 new-to-me songs and loved the variety! 45,000 songs?!?! That’s a lot of memories! πŸ™‚ XOXOXOXO

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Wendyl ❀️
      Discovering new things is always fun πŸ™‚ I’m very glad the music gave you a lift and I KNOW Monday’s medley will do the same thing!

  3. Donna

    What fun! Such variety…I love eclectic… liked hearing songs I never heard right next to old favorites.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Donna.
      I admit I was all over the musical map with this medley. πŸ™‚

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