A Medley For Wendy

Time to spend another week fulfilling medley requests and I’m starting this week off with a request from someone very special.
My daughter Wendy (better known to some of you as Wendyl (a nickname I tagged her with years ago) submitted two requests; one on the mellow side and another a little more rock and roll.
Today, we’re going with the softer tunes. πŸ™‚

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

A Medley For Wendy

John Denver – Pat Benatar – Billy Joel
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Elvis Presley – Debby Boone

Comments (21)

  1. Don Doyle

    Well Ray, Wendy has good taste but you already knew that I’m sure.
    John Denver is a natural choice but I don’t think of Pat Benatar as mellow. Nice touch.
    Billy Joel tells such interesting stories with his songs.
    Tom Petty is another nice surprise. I love his style.
    Elvis, could he be more relaxed, I don’t think so.
    Who would have thought that Debby Boone after having such a huge hit would basically disappear? Not me.
    Thank you Wendy.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Don.
      Wendy does have good taste and she has the heart of an angel, which is even more important. πŸ™‚
      That Benatar song brought back some nice memories as she and I used to sing it together back when MTV actually played videos.
      Yeah, Debby fell off the Pop map, had a few Country hits, and then completely disappeared.

    2. Wendyl

      Thanks, Don! Glad you enjoyed it. πŸ™‚

  2. Wendyl

    Well, this was a nice surprise to have this happen today, great timing! There is so much unrest and anxiety all around…and this was a great reminder to make the time to find your own piece of peace. This will be mine today and I will listen again later and be more mindful throughout my day. Music soothes the soul! Thanks Daddy! YOU light up MY life! XOXOXOXO (and yes, I definitely did the arm motions πŸ™‚ )

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Wendyl ❀️
      I knew you would do those arm motions … I did the same thing when I played the medley πŸ˜‰
      Thanks for the song suggestions. They created a soothing mood.
      Your own piece of peace” … I love that!

      1. Wendyl

        Glad to hear you found it soothing as well! I love YOU! XOXOXOXO

  3. Pat Conant

    Thanks, Wendyl and Ray. Great medley and it did create a little peace in my soul. You guys do light up my life!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Pat πŸ™‚
      Wendyl did a very nice job with her selections.
      She lights up my life, too (and so do you)

    2. Wendyl

      Thanks, Pat! Great music can help us if we remember to turn it on. πŸ™‚

  4. Barbara Brill

    Perfect set for today Ray …. loved John Denver and his style. I agree with Don – I would not have expected Pat Benatar in a mellow set but listening to the words made me realize it was a great choice. Billy Joel was another classic sound – always loved his music and still do. Elvis was a church-going country boy so who could expect less. Add the depth of his voice and it still gives me goose bumps. All of these picks were perfect — it’s easy to see that she and her dad are close and share their love of music. Can’t wait to see her Rock picks – She is definitely her dad’s daughter. Hope you both Rock this Day!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thank you, Barbara. πŸ™‚
      Wendy does share my love of music and she passed that appreciation on to my grandchildren, both of them very musically gifted.
      She has always been a wonderful daughter but even better, she is one of my most trusted friends. ❀️

      1. Wendyl

        Awwwwww, you are the sweetest! We have quite a special connection, indeed. πŸ™‚ <3

    2. Wendyl

      Thanks, Barbara! I know you appreciate good tunes too. My earliest memories include listening to lots of music with my Daddy and sister. Super special moments in my formative years. I am proud to be a Daddy’s Girl πŸ™‚ Hope you Rock your Day too (and stay warm!)

      1. Barbara Brill

        Wendy – your dad is such a special person. We are so fortunate that he is willing to put medleys and history lessons together. He is definitely one of a kind …. and it’s the best kind!

        Take care and stay safe…..

  5. Penny

    Have lost count of how many times I have played this today!!!
    Wendy has wonderful taste in music, of course look who she gets it from — Thank you both!!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Penny πŸ™‚
      I sincerely appreciate all the credit Wendy is receiving today. The girl knows her music (and she’s a hell of a lot better singer than her father) πŸ˜‰

    2. Wendyl

      Thanks, Penny! I’m tuning in again right now. Glad you enjoy my picks! I am so fortunate to have grown up and been raised with my Daddy’s deep love of music. It’s made me who I am today, I’m certain of that! And as far as who is a better singer…well, I’d say we both enjoy belting out random tunes at any given moment. πŸ™‚

  6. fred

    Ray Wendy nailed these choices!! Wendy fantastic!! It’s true we all do belong together!! Ray I don’t want to be Petty but this really did light up my life and I couldn’t help falling in love with them!! It was a Heartbreaker but as always Wendy always gives us hope to carry on!! (loved it)

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Thanks, Fred πŸ™‚
      Wendy and you have such a nice “relationship” … always supportive of each other (and you both know your music!
      ROCK ON!

    2. Wendyl

      Fred! This was a great connecting-the-songs reply! I love it and am so glad you enjoyed the medley! πŸ™‚

  7. Donna

    Thanks, Wendy!

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