55 Years Ago Today!

Released on January 20, 1964, ‘Meet The Beatles‘ was at the top of the Billboard albums chart in less than a month and remained at number one for eleven weeks, when it was replaced by ‘The Beatles’ Second Album‘ on May 2.
Meet The Beatles‘ sold over 4 million copies in 1964, a figure that was, at that time, simply phenomenal. Before this album was released, the teenage market had been predominantly singles.
But with the arrival of the Beatles, hearing a song or two on a 45 was no longer enough to satisfy teenage ears. The record album industry as a whole was transformed with the release of this record … played here in its entirety.

Play button is on the left … Volume slider is on the right

‘Meet The Beatles’


Comments (10)

  1. Sharon Crossman

    Ray, perfect this beautiful, snowy morning!! Thank You 👍😀.

  2. Ray (Post author)

    Sharon, thank YOU for listening. 🙂

  3. Rosa-Lee Gould

    Good music for a snowy day. Thanks for the memories. Heard this a lot while cashiering during lunch time at Riverside (as mentioned by Mary Mac). <3

    1. Ray (Post author)

      Great memories, Lee 🙂

  4. Nancy Garbati

    Awesome….so miss the music from our day and age…glad I have Streaming-oldies to listen to them all <3

  5. Ray (Post author)

    Thank you, Nancy. The memories all live (and play) here. 🙂

  6. Nancy Perrin

    Oh ya, my Beatles, ok…OUR. Beatles. Thanks Ray.

    1. Ray (Post author)

      I’m willing to share them with you, Nancy 😉

  7. Donna

    My very first record album!!!! Thank you!

    1. Ray (Post author)

      It was my pleasure, Donna 🙂

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