Something a little different today. With the exception of the final two songs (which are both Christmas songs), all of the music is directly related to December 4. It didn’t start out with that intention but once I got started, I just couldn’t stop.

Well, I suppose I could have, but I didn’t. 🙂

Anyway, let me discuss those Christmas songs. As I have stated, I will be placing two songs at the end of the regular medley all week. Because it is three weeks until Christmas, I will be playing what I like to call “novelty” tunes this week. As we get closer to the magical day, the songs will become more serious and more traditional.

Tomorrow will be another All Female Day!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Another Monday Medley!

Gene Chandler – Byrds
Fireballs – Freddie & The Dreamers
Deep Purple – Led Zeppelin
U2 – Gene Autry
Jose Feliciano