I have been extremely busy preparing the history lesson for September 11. I can tell you it is incredibly long … as in 5,990 words! Needless to say, that didn’t leave me any time to prepare a medley for today so I dug into the archives from January of this year for this one.

So here you go!

I’ll keep this short because I want you to get to the music. Before you do, however, I will advise you that even though I say at the beginning I was going to do much less blathering today, I didn’t. I chatted up a storm! Backstories, you know. 🙂

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Vintage Tunesday!

Beau Brummels – American Breed
Temptations – Byrds
Dave Clark Five – Led Zeppelin
AC/DC – Gerry Rafferty
Brooklyn Bridge
Derek & The Dominos