Want something a little shorter than Yesterday’s medley? This one is an 11-song, 31-minute collection of great oldies. Hopefully on the way, a wonderful memory (maybe more!) will pop into your brain!

I’m willing to bet the last song by Status Quo won’t ring a bell in your memory vault, but that’s only because America never paid enough attention to them for over 50 years … but you should have. They are, or were until Rick Parfitt’s death in 2016, my all time favorite band. Yes, even more than The Beatles!

Memories … That’s What We’re All About

Play buttons are on the left … Volume sliders are on the right

Do You Remember?

Hollies – Donovan
Beatles – Human Beinz
Roger Miller – Winstons
Paul & Paula – Jim Croce
Moody Blues – Knickerbockers
Status Quo